Part 67 (Season Finale)

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Disclaimer: I would like to mention that the facts about Parth and Niti's family mentioned in this part are completely out of my imagination and might not tally with the reality !


Recap: Parth's burst of anger and emotions towards Niti. Niti realising her mistake and apologising to Parth. PaNi together after Niti expressed her feelings in front of the entire cast and crew ! Parth's decision not to quit the show.

It was happy time not only for Parth and Niti but also for all others on set. Everyone on set, be it a member of the crew or any of their friends from the cast, had always secretly wished for the two of them to be together for real. Just like the PaNi fandom outside the industry, there was a secret PaNi fandom on sets as well. And, now that both of them were finally together, everyone was rejoiced.

The news was not yet revealed in the media as both Parth and Niti first wished to talk to their parents about it. They did not want their parents to find out about it from the media, rather they themselves wanted to be the ones to disclose it to both the families. Parth had therefore personally requested everyone on set to keep it a secret until they themselves had revealed it.

After a few more days of hectic shoot, both of them took a leave for a few days to visit their families. They were to first head towards Delhi to meet Niti's parents after which they would visit Parth's family in Pune. Niti hadn't informed anyone at her place about her arrival as she wanted to surprise all of them. It was her dad's birthday when they were to reach Delhi and therefore she believed there couldn't be a better gift for her dad than her visiting him.

The day before they were to leave for Delhi, was a hectic day for both of them since they were to take a leave of around 3-4 days after that. It was 10.30 pm when they had finally wrapped up for the day. Both Parth and Niti were in their respective vanities getting changed.

---in the girls vanity---

Veebha: Okay then Niti, I'll leave ! You'll be back after 4 days right ?

Niti: Yeah ! I'll see you !

Both of them give each other a tight hug and speak up together, "I'll miss you !" After breaking the hug, Veebha gives her a wide smile and leaves.

A few minutes later, someone knocks on the door and before Niti could go up to open the door, she finds Parth coming in, smiling at her. She too gives him a blushed smile and then continues with removing her make up. He waits for her by then on the couch, observing every single movement of hers, engrossed in her work. This used to be their daily routine when Parth would simply sit and observe her while she would either be getting ready for shoot or freshening up after the shoot. He used to love to just watch her doing her work.

Once she was done removing the make up, she tied her hair in a bun, took her bag and moved towards him indicating him to get up and walk out along with her. She reached up to him and when he did not move, she said, "Come on ! Let's leave !". But, he still did not move. He raised his eyebrows at her indicating something she did not understand. When he realised she would not understand, he got up from the couch giving out a loud sigh, and moved closer towards her which made her go numb. She was still getting used to the closeness between the two of them. She did like it when he was around and close but would also feel nervous about it at times.

He moved too close to her, and just when she was about to step backwards, he placed his right hand in her hair, located the hair clip and swiftly removed it making her hair fall free on her shoulders. Just when he did that, she closed her eyes realising what he had been trying to say to her. A few seconds later, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

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