Chapter 2

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Sasha and I were racing through the trees, trying to get back to our current home. I dodged tree's. bushes, some squirrels, root, and some other stuff right when I somehow got caught on a low branch, throwing me into a pile of mud. 

I landed face down in the brown muck. I couldn't beleive this. I'm a friggin' Vampire and I can't even avoid a branch when I'm running? I'm officially doomed as a Baby Vampire. 

"Uhhh! This is discusting, its all OVER me!" I whined. The mud covered the entire front of my body. MY fae, and hair included. Sasha was suddenly standing in front of me, and chuckling, said, "Nice going. You somehow avoid killing a human, but you just can't stay out of the mud can you?" He laughed.

"Very funny you jerk." I said, pissed. I stood up, and whiped mud off my face, and tried shaking it off my hands. 

I walked towards the tiny bathroom our motel room had. We rented it a few days ago. We were on our way to Delaware, to do some buisness with a guy who ripped off Stephanie. 

Stephanie sat in a cheap plastic chair, with her legs crossed. She was probably one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. She has striking features. She was tall, with a thin waist, and curvy hips. She has an hourglass figure, with slender legs, and a heart shaped face. Her hair was blonde, and it was curly and down to her waist. She has crystal blue eyes, and natural pink lips. Her voice was like silk, and when she sang It was like I was being Hypnotised. 

"Now where have you to been?" Stephanie Teased. 

"Just getting somethings to eat for Amyra." replied Sasha, jokingly. Stephanie then looked at me for a few seconds, and said, "You really are very attractive. I Don't understand why you wear so much Makeup."  Stephanie Frowned a little. 


Hope you like it. <3 


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