Chapter 1

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 All my fans that stood by me. 

Dear Diary, 

This is my first journal entry since I was turned. Sasha gave it to me. Sasha is sort of like an older brother; He's also the only one who has bothered to teach me anything. Everybody else in our little "family" associated with me, but they don't really do anything with me. They sort of treat me like a dog. The diary Sasha gave me is a leather book, with a deep red color. It was binded by hand, and it has faded white sheets with no lined. It also has two pieces of twine on either side that you tie together to hold the book closed. Each is only about 4 or 5 inches long. But whatever, Im sort of really hungry so I think I'll ask Sasha for something to, erm.. Eat? I've already fed a few times, the first was the hardest. Or maybe the easiest, since I was starving. I even have a little pair of fangs. They come out ALL The time, its more annoying than an itch you don't want to scratch for fear of losing whatever popularity or reputation a teenaged vampire could have. Okay, Sasha wants me. I have to go. 



Once again I heard Sasha call my name. Since I had been writing outside, I had been sitting under a oak tree in the thick forest. I used my arms to push myself up, but in retrospect I really didn't need to since I was stronger than the strongest man. I held my diary close to my chest, and using my new speed I began racing deeper into the forest.

It was so clear as I ran, I could see every little detail on the trees. It was like I saw everything in slow motion, but I moved faster than lightning. I was so fast, I looked like I just teleported from one spot to another. But actually, I was running, and sometimes walking, so fast I appeared to teleport. 

At last, I came to a large tree stump, and sitting upon it was a man about the age of 45. He had light brown hair, blue eyes, thick eyebrows, and a bushy mustache. He was balding, I could easily see that. He was plump, with tired eyes. Beside him, was Sasha. 

Sasha was one of the vampires I was now living with. Vampire numbers are apparently dwindling, so lately there have been quite a few baby Vampires running around. Sasha was drop dead gorgous. He was 21 when he was turned, and he hasnt aged at all. Literally. His hair was a dark brown, almost black. He had dark eyes, a warm skin tone, and a perfect set of beautiful white teeth. He was tall, and slender, and he usually wore black clothing. When he smiled my whole world lit up... Even though it was almost dark. 

Sasha smiled at me, "You decided to show up?"

"I thought I would drop by." I said, a crooked smile on my face. Sasha was like my older brother. The man looked like he had been brainwashed, so Sasha obviously glamoured him.  The man just looked strait ahead, at nothing, his mouth slightly open. 

"Your hungry, I can tell. I think I should teach you how to drink without killing.", he said without wating for my reply. "Your going to try biting his wrist this time, it may help you with stopping before draining him. Just bite him, and when his heart beat starts to slow, then you need to stop. Do you understand?" 

I nodded. when it comes to Vampire stuff, he's very serious. I couldnt help it, but my hunger caused my fangs to slide out. It made a slick sound, and sort of a click. I gasped, and put my hand over my mouth, embarrased. I blushed. 

"Haha, its alright Amyra. Its only natural." sasha said smiling. 

"Yeah, whatever. If having fangs is natural, than I can fly." I moved towards the man, and grabbed his left wrist. I bit into it, causing him to stir. 

He moaned, and I sucked at the flow of red juice. It tasted so thick, and healthy. I could almost taste the organic feel to it. I sucked slowly, but hard, making sure not to spill a drop. His heart remained steady. After drinking for a few minuits later, his heart started to slow a bit. I wanted to stop, and I knew I had to. I sucked a few gulps more, And after remembering some advice about stopping, I thought of things I hated. 

Stinkbugs, not being able to breath, eating hair, drinking toilet water... I guess that did the trick because I finally stopped.I pullled my fangs out of his wrist, and following sasha's earlier advice, I pricked my index finger and rubbed the blood on my fang marks. They went away almost as quickly as my hunger. But not quite.

"Very good, you managed not to kill someone for once." Sasha said, a smile on his beautiful face. 


What did you think? Is it any good? Love you guys, give me lots of feedback! 


P.S. My cover was Made by my friend Ian, who is a complete photoshop genuis. 

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