"Good you can't see * puts on shirt and rest of clothes*" I said hoping i was correct

" Can I open my eyes?" Tensa ask

"Yep I'm ready I need to get a clean up crew (I'm talking about Jeff) in here" I said clapping my hands

" yeah you sort of destroyed your room" Tensa sid looking around

" Hey Akane where Zeref we are playing twister?" Ares asks

"Hugging the depths of hell" I said

"What did he do this time?" Jeff and the 2 creepers ask (Liz and Neko)

"He walked in on the demon lord while putting on her clothes" Tensa said

"Oh no wonder he's dead right now" Jeff says

"That pervert doesn't deserve life" Me and Tensa said

"So clean up crew go clean my room while me and Tensa go pick up his shit k?" i said

"Yeah yeah mom" jeff said

Jeffs pov 0.0

As i watch Akane and Tensa leave this apartment that i live next to i think time to go through away that useless piece of shit. (Zeref) So once i go pick up the dead body laying on Akanes floor i realize that everyone was laughing about useless that got punched in the balls.

"So who wants to draw on his face" i heard Neko saying

"Aye sir!" Happy and Natsu walk in and i realize 2 of my favorite people just joined us in this tiny ass apartment.

"Hey glad u could make it" Liz said

"Why is it so small and where Akane she invited us right?" Natsu said

"Nope we did we need u to burn this body!" I said

"What *Looks at body* NOT MY ONI-SAMA (MEans brother)?" Natsu yelled

Natsus pov

I see my brother lying on the floor and i wonder what happened but then i realize he must of walked in on Akane and she got pissed..

"So you gonna burn him?" Jeff asks me

"No i have a better idea" I said

"What?!" Jeff asked me

" Lets draw on his face then put him as a sacrifice to Akane" I said with a smile

"Brillent!!!! Now where does she hide the markers"

"next to the eggnog!" Liz said

"NO NOT THE EGGNOG MY BABY!!11" Jeff randomly screams

"Oh god this again" Lelouch says *wacks JEff with a pan*

"Good now he can Go to Sleep" Neko says

"Hey that my line" Jeff yelled

"Nope u can be part of the sacrifice" Neko said

"We r back ^.^" I said with tensa

"Hi Akane we were just getting ready your sacrifices of the perv and the eggnog" I said

*Akanes pov*

"So which one to send to hell first hmmm decisions decisions" I said

*Opens a portal to hell* "These to can say hi to people for me and feed my cat *Throughs both of them into portal then closes portal*" I said throwing thme into a portal

"what the......" Tensa says

"Oh did i not tell u im a demon?" I asked Tensa

"WHAT!!!1" Natsu and Tensa said

"Wait i thought i told u natsu?" I asked natsu

"Yeah you did i wanted to copy Tensas reaction." Natsu laughed

"Oh ok"I sighed

"So i'm dating a demon... AWESOME" Tensas said

"What your happy about this" I said

"Yes how could i not; not everyone gets to date a demon more or less meet one." Tensa said

"Oh ok... still don't get it but whatever" I said confused

"So now he knows our secret what next can i cut off his hands" Jeff randomly appears

"Welcome back and wait so you're one to?"tensa asked jeff

"Yeah also is the man taking care Akanes cat in hell lelouch is one, shiro, and Liz is part demon." Jeff said

"Dude....... this is so AWESOME" Tensa said

"Ok mr happy i know demons pants don't you think its a little weird" I said

"No not really the way you guys look is proof enough especially in school with your dead looks it was obvious something happened to you." Tensa sighed

"Oh... hehe didn't know"Me and Jeff said

"Yeah but i'm not weirded out in the slightest." Tensa said

"Ok" I said


"What?!"Me Jeff and Tensa said

"You forgot it was my b-day" Liz sighed

"OMG I DID!!!!" I screamed

"At Least lelouch remembered -_-" Liz said annoyed

"Sorry i need to make a run real quick " Me and Tensa said

Akane's Story {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now