Chapter 11

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  The 11th episode starts with Sung-Yeol seeing Seul-Bi and Woo-Hyun kiss and he feels upset and leaves. 

Mrs. Ahn talks to Seul-Bi and she tells her that she has no parents so that is why she lives with Woo-Hyun. 

Woo-Hyun and Seul-Bi walk home together and he wants to hold her hand and she jumps on the ledge to get away and then he holds her hand anyway.  

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  At school Sung-Yeol is angry and won't talk to Seul-Bi and instead ignores her. During gym class they are paired and are throwing the ball back and forth to each other.  

Jae-Suk and his friend who punched him are throwing baseball back and forth and Jae-Suk throws it really hard. Sung-Yeol is also throwing the ball really hard at Woo-Hyun and Woo-Hyun calls him names for acting mean to Seul-Bi and throws the ball at Woo-Hyun's stomach and Woo-Hyun doesn't catch it. On the way to the nurse's office Mrs. Ahn sees them and asks what happened and she scolds Sung-Yeol who is walking behind them.

 Woo-Hyun explains it wasn't his fault and Mrs. Ahn asks if Sung-Yeol is also okay.  

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Mrs. Ahn comes to the infirmary later and finds Woo-Hyun sleeping and sits and holds his hand and tears up. Woo-Hyun wakes up and questions why she is there and she says she is sorry for Sung-Yeol and offers to take him to the hospital.  

Sung-Yeol comes in and they ask why he is there and he says he has a headache and lies down. Later Woo-Hyun finds Seul-Bi by the sinks and they splash water at each other and Sung-Yeol also comes and they have a water fight. At lunch Ye-Na tries to sit with Young-Eun and the rest of the girls and they all move when she sits down.

 Ye-Na finds Young-Eun and tells her she will do anything because she doesn't want to be alone and Young-Eun tells her to be alone and Ye-Na she will show her. Jae-Suk's gang member the tall one picks on the cafe girl and pulls the book out of her hand and she tries to grab it back and they rip it.

 The guy sees Ye-Na go behind Seul-Bi on the stairs and she pushes Seul-Bi and Woo-Hyun sees everything and warns her and she teleports down the stairs and fall on Woo-Hyun.   

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