Preview; What she doesn't know

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"Bye sweetie." Mum gave me a kiss on the cheek, waved and disappeared out the front door. "Don't forget to lock!" And with that, she was gone.

Smiling at my freedom, I bounded to my room, pulling off my clothes and grabbing a towel. This would be the perfect time to have a bath without her coming in and starting a conversation. I shrugged on my dressing gown as I waited for the water to fill the bath, running may hand through the water that was pooling at the bottom when a knock on the flat door sounded. Turning off the water, I went to answer the  door, holding my dressing gown closed.

It was Mister Walker, from next door.

"Hello Taylor." He smiled. "I came by to see if you were alright. I know your mother left only an hour ago and I wanted to see if you needed anything."

I need you to fuck me, I thought.

"I think I'm all good, thanks." I grinned. "I'm just going to have a bath, make some food and head to bed."

"Uh-huh, okay." He grinned. "No sneaking out, though."



Then we stood in awkward silence.

"Um, I should probably get back to my bath."

"Yeah, you should."

But neither of us moved.

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