Almost ready chpt.26

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Soo I went back too the hotel & got ready I walked in already so the girl already knows that I'm back so , I got up to my room I had 20mins yo spare barely.. But , I sit my purse & my outfit for to night so I could at least look decent, anyway I plugged my phone up to my Bluetooth speaker & started the shower , I took off every string I had on by putting hair up in a bun... After almost 20 mins had past I got out & brushed my teeth & went in the room around the corner from the bathroom an sat on the bed & dried off so I hopped up & got my lotion and put some on & then walked over to my VS bag that I had bought some things from a few days ago so , I got out a lace thong & matching bra in white .. So after all that I put on & went an got my dress an put that on right after took my hair down then I put on my makeup last without the dress on (I'm kinda backwards at points ) so I thinking  how too ware it I just pulled some hair up and the rest down in the back .. Now I'm finna head out but I called Selena & Bethanne but not Akiyah cause it's a surprise..😘

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