Coronation and The Hunting of the White Stag

Start from the beginning

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he rubbed his furry cheek against mine. Then, I gave him a small sad smile before I turned my back on him and walked away. Back towards my castle. I glanced back over my shoulder just once and when I looked, there was no sign of my godfather and I sighed sadly.

I walked back to the castle and was quickly grabbed by the both my hands by Lucy and Susan, both grinned at me and dragged me to the ball room. Some of the Narnians were dancing as the woodland creatures were playing music. Lucy and Susan turned to me, "Let's dance," Lucy said, happily and I giggled.

The three of us started dancing together. But after a minute, Susan and Lucy stopped and grinned. I frowned and Susan spanned me around to see Peter, who was dragged by Edmund, coming over to me and the girls.

I tried to hide my smile and Susan whispered in my ear, "Looks like your boyfriend want to dance with you." Lucy heard and she giggled as I blushed. Edmund and Peter came over. Edmund nudged Peter by the shoulder and winked before he, Susan and Lucy left us.

Peter cleared his throat and hold his hand out to me, "Would you like to dance?" He asked, his cheeks turned pink slightly and I smiled. "I would love to," I said as I took his hand.

Immediately after I took Peter's hand, the music changed to slow music. Peter and I looked at Edmund and he smirked as he shrugged while Lucy and Susan giggled. I knew he asked.

I smiled as I shook my head and Peter and I turned back to each other. He brought me closer to him and we intertwined our hands. He hold my waist with his other hand and we gazed at each other's eyes.

We leaned closer and our lips touched. But we had to pull away after a moment when we hared Ms. Beaver, "Look at them." We saw her and Mr. Beaver with Mr. Tumnus, smiling at us with smiling Edmund, Susan and Lucy. All the other Narnians stopped and looked at us as well, smiling.

"Young love," Ms. Beaver finished as she wiped a tear from her cheek. Peter and I looked at each other and smiled. I shrugged and kissed him. He kissed back and we smiled at the kiss as we heard everyone cheering.

18 years passed

It's been years as we ruled as wonderful Kings and Queens. The land prospered. There was peace across all of Narnia. Peter and I got married and we have a 16 years old daughter name Lillian and she's loved by everyone.

Right now, I was riding along my husband and his siblings. I was a head of the others and I looked back at the others, "Come on, slow pokes!" I teased. They laughed and picked up their speeds.

We slowly slow down and I saw that Edmund wasn't with us. "Where's Ed?" I asked. "I'll get him," Susan said and went back. Lucy slowly followed and I was about to was well but Peter grabbed my hand and smirked. I frowned and then he reached over to me and kissed me, passionately.

We pulled away, breathing heavily, "We'll continued later," I teased and followed Lucy and Susan, giggling. I heard Peter laughing as he followed behind.

"Just catching my breath," Edmund said when Peter, Lucy and I caught up. "Well that's all we'll catch at this rate," Susan teased.

"What did he say, Su?" I asked. "You girls wait in the castle, I'll get the stag myself," Susan impersonated Ed. Lucy, Susan and I all began to laugh. Peter chuckled as he shook his head but then he got off his horse, "What's this?"

We all got off from our horses and looked at what he had. An old lamppost covered in ivy. "This seems familiar," Peter stated as he grabbed my hand. I nodded in agreement. "As if from a dream," Susan remarked. I gazed up at the lantern, "Or a dream of a dream."

"Spare Oom," Lucy said before running off. "Lucy!" Peter called and we followed her. "Not again!" Susan complained. "Lu?" I asked. "Come on," Lucy said.

We continued to walk past the trees and it began to get tighter and the space began to decrease and became narrower. And then, the branches disappeared and were replaced with coats, large, fur coats. "These aren't branches," Peter remarked as we pushed our way through. Susan looked around, "They're coats."

"Susan, you're on my foot," Edmund said and we continued to all call out.

"Peter! Move off!"
"Stop showing!"
"Stop it!"

None of us noticed our voices changing and becoming a bit higher pitched.

"I'm not on your toe!"

And with that we each fell face first out of the wardrobe back in the spare room at the Professor's house. We all landed hard on the wooden floor. We all looked around ourselves in shock, it was almost as though we had never been to Narnia as we were now 18 years younger. Peter and I were 16 years old again. I looked down at Peter and my hands and saw that we both still wearing or rings.

Peter and I looked at each other and spoke at the same time, "Lillian." The door opened and in came the Professor himself, in his hand the cricket ball that Edmund had hit through the upstairs window. We all looked up at him in surprise. "Oh," The Professor said. "There you are. What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

Peter and I looked at each other before looking back up at him and Peter replied, "You wouldn't believe us if we told you, sir." The Professor then tossed the cricket ball at Peter, who caught it easily in his hand and said with a smile, "Try me."

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