We entered the castle grounds which were surrounded by a large ice wall. The courtyard was filled with what had to be hundreds of stone statues of Narnians that were petrified by the Witch's powers.

Lucy ran ahead of us, searching through all the statues. I glanced over at Aslan before chasing after her. It wasn't hard to tell who she was looking for.

Mr. Tumnus.

Susan followed at my heels as we followed Lucy around who was still looking. Susan and I looked around but when I looked back to Lucy, I saw her face had fallen and she was slowly walking off to the left.

I looked in the same direction she was and I was shocked at what I saw. Mr. Tumnus as hard and still as stone. Everything about him was a dark grey. His mouth was wide open as though he had been in pain or had been shouting. His scarf was flicked out behind him as though he had just moved forward when it happened.

The closer we got the more Lucy's face fell and tears escaped from her. I looked down at her sadly. Susan and I wrapped our arms around her, pulling her to us.

Aslan walked up and stopped at my side. He turned to look at us before facing the statue once again and then strangely enough he breathed a large blast of air at the petrified fawn. His breath ruffle the fawn's hair and caused his scarf to move.

Strange sounds of the rock melting and fading away started and the grey colouring of Mr. Tumnus began to fade back to his original colours. Even his scarf became it's usual scarlet red. He grunted a couple of times as the stone faded and then once it was all finished, he stayed frozen for a couple of moments and breathed heavily.

Seconds later he collapsed forward into Susan and Lucy's awaiting arms. Lucy looked at Susan, "Susan," She called, "This is . . ." But Susan cut across her and said cheerfully, "Mr. Tumnus!" She hugged him and they all laughed. Mr. Tumnus looked at me and I smiled. "Your Majesty," He said as Susan and Lucy helped him up to his feet. "Hello, Tumnus," I said and we both hugged.

"Come," Aslan called to all of us, "We must search the castle -- others may still be trapped inside." We turned to face him and I noticed Mr. Tumnus's eyes widen in shock and awe. Several animals and other Narnians were standing around him.

We were almost there and Aslan raced ahead of us and darted up to the edge of the cliff on a large rock. As he perched himself on the edge he roared at the top of his lungs for all of the fighters below to hear. Everyone out fighting on the battlefield turned to look up in shock as the Lion that had been proclaimed dead appeared.

We ran forward to join Aslan. Lucy and Susan, as well Mr. Tumnus stood around me. "For Narnia!" I yelled. The Narnians around me called out my yell and then together we ran down to join the fight.

I ran in search of Peter and Edmund. Then, I spotted the Witch disarms Peter and knocking him off his feet. She raised her sword, about to kill him. But I aimed my bow and an arrow and shoot it towards the Witch's hands.

The arrow stabbed her hand and she shouted in pain. "Don't you dare!" I threated. The Witch and Peter looked at me and saw that I was pointing my bow and another arrow at her. Then, all of a sudden, Aslan jumped above me and he towered over the Witch, catching her off guard.

Peter got up to his feet, but then he got attack with my hug. He wrapped his arms around me. "Don't you dare scare me like that," I said. He chuckled and we pulled away from the hug slightly. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss.

We pulled away and looked around, time seemed to slow down around just the three of us as my godfather turned to look at us and it seemed as though everyone was flashing past us at top speeds.

Aslan turned slowly to face us and we watched, completely frozen to the happenings around us and then he said, "It is finished."

"Peter!" Lucy's voice came from behind us. "Peter!" Susan called, who was right behind her. Lucy ran up and latched onto Peter. Susan looked around.

"Where's Edmund?" She asked Peter. Peter's eyes grow wide and started to ran away and me and his sisters followed.

We caught sight of Edmund. He was lying sprawled out on the ground, one hand near the wound in his side. He was gasping for breath. The Dwarf that with the red hat from before approached raising an axe above his head.

"Edmund!" Susan yelled as we spotted what the Dwarf was at. I aimed my arrow and let it go. It hit the Dwarf's head. The Dwarf fell backwards and didn't move, so the siblings ran forward towards Edmund to check the damage.

They all sat around him, Susan pulled off his helmet. Lucy quickly pulled her cordial from her belt and uncorked it and placed it just above Edmund's lips and let one small drop into his open mouth. There was a moment of silent where Edmund was still.

Nothing was happening.

The siblings shared a terrified looks until Edmund gasp of air and coughing. Peter pulled him up into his arms in desperate embrace. Peter pulled him back and then asked Edmund with tears still in his eyes, "When are you going to learn to do what you were told?" They all laughed and together shared a warm family hug.

I smiled and Aslan stood by my side and we both shared a smile. Then, he walked up to step next to a stone Narnian and the siblings leaned back and turned their attention on Aslan. He breather over the Narnian freeing him from the Witch's spell.

Lucy grabbed her cordial before she jumped to her feet and smiled down at her brothers and sister with huge smile before running away to help the wounded.  

The Blood of a Princess - Peter Pevensie {1}Where stories live. Discover now