Father Christmas got up and then reached down into the sack again and pulled out a large quiver filled with arrows and a bow. "Susan," He called to her as Lucy went to stood beside me.

I watched as Susan stepped forward nervously. "Trust in this bow and it will not easily miss," Father Christmas said to her softly as he handed it over to her.

"What happened to, 'battles are ugly affairs?'" Susan asked. Father Christmas chuckled. "And, though you don't seem to have trouble making yourself heard," He said and then he handed her a horn. "Blow on this, and wherever you are, help will come."

Susan smiled down at her gifts and then sent Father Christmas a small smile. "Thanks," She said. He then turned to Peter. "Peter." Peter walked forward. "The time to use these may be near at hand," Father Christmas said, handing Peter a large sliver shield with a red lion imprinted on the front and a large sword in a red sheath. Peter draw the sword and show it in the light.

"Thank you, sir," Peter said to Father Christmas. Father Christmas set his sights on me and smiled. "Princess Katharina." I gave a small smile and stepped forward.

He pulled out from the sack a sword and a large quiver filled with arrows and a bow. They were made out of gold and steel. "These were your parent's. Made by the Narnians as gifts," He said and handed them to me. "Thank you, Father," I said.

"They are tools, not toys. Bare them well and wisely," He addressed us all and then he clapped his hands together. "Now, I best be off. Winter is almost over and things do pile up when you've been gone a hundred years!"

He picked up his sack and lifted it back into the sleigh once more before turning back around to face us. "Long live Aslan! And Merry Christmas!" He said and then he was off across the snow.

"Bye . . . Merry Christmas!" We all called. Lucy turned to Susan. "Told you he was real!" She said and I giggled. "He said," Peter said as he gazed off after the disappearing sleigh, "Winter is almost over." He spun to look at us, "You know what that means . . . No more ice!"

We came to the final crossing of the river right at the waterfall. The ice was breaking away and was almost all gone. "That's not good," I said. "We need to cross now!" Peter said. "Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked the Beavers.

"I'm not that fast, dear," Mr. Beaver said. "Come on!" Peter said as he grabbed hold of Lucy's hand and we begin to make our why down. "Wait, just think about this for a minute," Susan said.

Peter turned to face her. "We don't have a minute!" He snapped. "I'm just trying to be realistic," Susan defended. "No, you're trying to be smart, as usual!" Peter snapped. "Guys, stop it! We don't have time for this!" I shouted, already half down the cliff with the Beavers.

When we all reached to the bottom of the cliff, I stepped on the ice and it started to break. Peter pulled me back. "Wait, Your Majesty, let me go first," Mr. Beaver said. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"Don't worry," Mr. Beaver said and then he slowly and carefully walked on the ice and every moments would slap at the cracks with his tail. "You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you?" Ms. Beaver asked.

Mr. Beaver looked back at her. "Well you never know what meal is gonna be your last, especially with your cooking," He replied.

Peter took the lead and we slowly made our way across the ice. Lucy grabbed hold of Peter and I stayed close behind them with Susan as we both hooked arms supporting each other.

"If Mum knew what we were doing . . ." Susan started. "Mum's not here!" Peter snapped.

Suddenly, ice fell to our left from the waterfall. We turned our gazed from the ice below to the ice above. We spotted the wolves running along the top of the waterfall to the other side.

"Oh no!" Lucy said. "Run!" Peter shouted and we all started to ran. But then the wolves surrounded us. Mr. Beaver raised a paw at the wolf to show he wasn't afraid but the wolf darted forward and clamped his jaws around him tightly.

"No!" Ms. Beaver said. "Peter!" Lucy and I called at the same time. Peter pulled out his sword and hold it in front of him, pointing at the wolf leader. "Put that down, boy. Someone could get hurt," The wolf leader said.

"Don't worry about me! Run him through!" Mr. Beaver called. "Leave now while you can, and your brother leaves with you," The wolf leader said.

Susan grabbed hold of Peter's arm but he kept his sword directed at the wolf leader. "Stop Peter, maybe we should listen to him!" She said. "Smart girl," The wolf leader said with a grin.

"Don't listen to him! Kill him! Kill him now!" Mr. Beaver said. "Come on, this isn't your war. All my Queen wants is for your to take your family and go," The wolf leader said.

"Look, just because some man in a red suit hands you a sword, it doesn't make you a hero! So just drop it!" Susan said. "No Peter! Narnia needs ya! Gut him while you still have a chance!" Mr. Beaver called.

"What's it gonna be Son of Adam? I won't wait forever. And neither will the river. Just hand over the Princess and leave with your family," The wolf leader said.

Lucy looked up at the frozen waterfall. "Peter!" She called. We all looked up and saw the water started to break through in the ice in the waterfall. Peter glanced around at us. "Hold onto me!"

We all hold into Peter as he stick his sword into the ice. We looked up as the wall of ice came crashing down, causing a huge wave to engulf us. Me, Susan and Lucy screamed while the wolves were thrown into the river.

We floated away but then I somehow slipped off. I was under the cold water, swimming to shore. Then, I spotted Lucy. "Lucy!" I called and she spotted me. "Kat!" She called back and she helped me out.

We went to look for Peter, Susan and the Beavers, who we heard Susan calling our names. "Lucy! Katharina! Lucy! Katharina!"

We walked over to them. "Has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy asked and they all turned to look at us, walking over to them, soaking wet.

Their faces broke out into smile as they saw us. Peter gathered Lucy's coat into his hands. "Don't worry. Your brother has you well looked after," Mr. Beaver told Lucy as Peter wrapped Lucy's coat around her.

He stepped over to me and pulled me to a tight hug. I hugged back. "I'm glad you okay," He said. "Thanks," I said. "Ohhhh," We heard Ms. Beaver. Peter and I broke apart slightly to see Ms. Mr. Beaver, Lucy and Susan smiling at us.

Peter and I broke away and I brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear while Peter cleared his throat. Mr. Beaver smirked as he shook his head and turned around. "I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore."

We all looked and saw at the forest the flowers started to bloom. Soon, the forest was green again and we abandon our fur coats as we continued to walk.  

The Blood of a Princess - Peter Pevensie {1}Where stories live. Discover now