Chapter 2 - My worst nightmare

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My eyes flashed open and a unrecognisable blurry figure was standing over me I heard her voice "Harry,baby wake up its me"

I knew that voice anywhere it was Taylor "What are you doing here?" I asked jumping up, a pain shot through my back but I chose to ignore it "I want you back Harryboo" she said innocently flutting her eyelashes at me.

she leant over me and I saw my aeroplane necklace hanging from her neck "WERE DID YOU GET THAT!!!" I ask raising my voice a little ok a lot.

"Oh Harry I know you to well" she smirked .

w-'what" I stuttered . She pulled her phone out of her bag and started tapping away I could see a evil spark in her eye "U ready boo?" she said with clear amusement in her voice.I nodded and she turned the phone so I could see it

, my chest tightened I couldn't speak there on her phone was Niall and some girl kissing not just a peck on the cheek full on snog and he was enjoying it well obviously he.was enjoying it he is as straight as a ruler,and not the bendy kind, heh I funny "So ?, he is straight I'm straight " I lied, Taylor raised her eyebrow "well then what's the problem with us going out then? I thought for a moment I mean is it really that bad me going out with Taylor it would be a great cover up there is only one problem , I don't love Taylor I don't even like her I cant go out with her can I no deffinatly not.

"Harry? I'm waiting" she said impatiently tapping her foot and crossing her arms.I think I'm going to let her down easy "Taylor thanks bu-" She interrupted me and said the most evil thing she could have said.... "If you don't I will tell the world you gay"


"IM NOT GAY TAYLOR" I shouted. suddenly my eyes opened and I saw the outline of a worried looking Niall "Harry, are you alright?" I sighed in relief it was just a dream "What happened?" this time Louis answered which was good because if I looked a niall for much longer I think I would have kissed him which wouldnt go down to well I don't think ,

Before anyone could answer my question Nialls wraps his arms around me "I'm so so sorry Harry i knew you didn't look well i shouldn't have let you go on stage its all my fault"

 "Niall don't blame yourself i shouldn't have gone back on stage it's no ones fault but my own." He smiles down at me.

"so is someone going to tell me what happened?" I ask as Niall unwraps himself from me.

"Well you fainted" Louis states and I roll my eyes quickly

"Thankyou captain obvious"

"Well you missed your solo and then started mumbling to yourself in your sleep" Liam starts and Louis quickly glares as him.

could today get any worst?

"Alright Boys the bus is outside lets get going you have a long journey ahead of you and Harry I think we need to talk," Simon says walking into the room not looking at us.

well it seems like it can.


we had been driving for too long now and I was hungry I really wanted Nandos or McDonalds or KFC or pizza hut or ..

" Niall stop thinking of food" Harry smirked at me, how does he always know what I'm thinking? "I wasn't i pwomise" I pouted I really did want food though.

luckily I was a genius at fast food hunting i rested my head by the window looking outside "Sorry to break it to you Nialler but there wont be any food for a while" Zayn smirked at me I frowned  and then glared at Zayn for telling me this heartbreaking news.

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