Sollux Pov:

I kissed Eridan holy shit I didn't mean to do anything at all I mean it just happened..shit I have to explain it to him later but right now I have to work. Sadly that just been in my head kissing Eridans cheek it was bothering me my whole day I had a day dream about this but. He's gonna hate me I played with him to many times. In high school I was pulling a prank on him...I hate that day


Eridan was just at his locker putting his books away I chuckled as Karkat and Gamzee was pushing me towards him as I backed out

"CoMe On SoLbRo ItS jUsT a PrAnK"


"Fiine fiine iim goiing"

I walk up to him and tap his shoulder he turn around and slightly blushes I don't think he wanted me to see. He pulls up his scarf and covers it as I pull it down when I was about to kiss him he blushes even harder letting me kiss him. Until Karkat pulls me back with a smirk on his face as Gamzee was video typing.



"YoU jUsT gOt PrAnKeD bRo!"

He blushes of embarrassment and glares at me he closes his locker and shoves me out of the way as I laughed and high five Karkat and Gamzee

End Of Flashback

And it just remind me how I played with Eridans feelings..a lot I sigh and rub my face.
My shift was over I grabbed Eridan's car keys and called Eridan for find my way to his house. I parked the car me thinking how was I gonna tell Eridan it was just an accident..I think it was I groan and get out of the car and knocked on his door. He swings the door open and moves out the way letting me in I come in. he closes the door and sits down I put my hat down and sat across from him.he puts the blanket over his mouth and looks at the T.V it was awkward. Until I finally spoke and told him

"Look Ed about the thiing that happened ii..diidnt mean to do iit..iit kiind of ju2t happened-"

"I kneww it.."


"Look sol it's fine okay? You can just drop off my keys.."

I put the keys down in front of him I pulls the blanket more up to his cheeks. I see his tears falling down he looks at me and throws a pillow at me I tried to block it but hit me he threw an other one and yells


"Waiit Ed- ow!"

He threw his book at me as I doge it he sits up and covers his face sobbing. I walk over to him he looks up and gets up and starts shoving me and punching me

"Okay hey hey!!"


"Ed hold on-"


I bump to the door as he stops and just looks at me and tears up more. he looks away he had his hand grabbing on to my shirt he lets go of me and wipes his tears away. When he was about to walk away I grabbed his arm and pull him for a hug he tries to pull me off but I just hugged tighter and said

"II'm 2orry...II'm 2orry..iim 2orry that ii played wiith your emotiion2 okay?"

"Fuck off sol I don't believve you one bit!"

"But ii am iim really 2-"




We were face to face frowning at each other I growled at him as he was about to swing but I grabbed his wrist, and he swigged with his other hand as I get punched by Eridan so I punched back making him fall back. I fall with him. He kicks me off of him he sits on top of me and pulls out his wand and pointed at me he was panting. As I was panting as well he drops the wand and gets off I sit up and wipe the blood off me.

"Happy noww sol this wwhy wwe can't evven hang out because you'll do something stupid that wwill ruin the friendship wwe havve"

"Me? I'm not the one who threw the fuckiing piillow and annoyed the crap out of me ii apologiized ii 2aiid ii wa2 2orry that ii hurt you what more do you want?"

"PROvve it.."


He crosses his arms and pulls up his scarf and says.

"P-Provve it provve your sorry.."

"That2 ea2y"

"Then do it"

"Ii wiill"

Proving I'm sorry?...well how the hell do I do that?!

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