They continue talking about it and Youngeun calls out to Seulbi with Yena asking if she happened to see her phone when Seulbi saw her the previous night. Seulbi says she didn't see it and wonders why, but everyone is looking at her now. Seulbi asks if she lost it and Yena plays it off, but it's clearly got the attention of everyone in the class. The girl who works at the restaurant at least seems to look a bit suspicious about the whole thing. Seulbi remains clueless.

The bullies stop Chunshik and he gives them money but they want his phone this time around as well. He objects, but they tell him that they won't take it and he hands it over. They put his money in the back of his phone.

Through voiceover we hear Jaesuk's instructions for Chunshik to put it into Seulbi's bag without anyone knowing as Chunshik does.

  It's time for the basketball game as it's Woohyun verses Sungyeol, with Seulbi as the referee. They exchange words with one another until the game is on when Sungyeol steals the ball and Woohyun tries to get it back through tickling. Seulbi blows the whistle at them and they wonder why and she says it's because they're being too cringe worthy.  

Lunch is over and the kids are gathered back in the classroom when Coach enters talking about how he loves the smell of sweat of young people

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Lunch is over and the kids are gathered back in the classroom when Coach enters talking about how he loves the smell of sweat of young people. Cause that's not weird. He tells the students that it's a self-study day, which makes the kids all happy. The bully gives a sign to Chunshik telling him that the teacher is there.

Chunshik raises his hand to say that he lost his phone and Coach asks him if he left it at home but Chunshik says that he's sure he brought it, it had money inside. That causes Coach to tell everyone to take out their backpacks so they can check it and everyone complies.

But it's Sukhoon who speaks up and says that they have their civil rights, Coach can't do something like that before notifying them beforehand. Youngeun says that they have to catch the thief and Coach demands that they take everything out.

  Seulbi goes through her bag and notices the phone asking what it is. Woohyun notices it as well and the bullies make sure to make a scene of it drawing everyone's attention. Seulbi immediately hands it over to Coach who tells Chunshik to check. He does and says that it's his. Coach asks if he's sure and Seulbi starts to get flustered.  

Sungyeol says that Seulbi was with them during lunch and Woohyun agrees, them both wanting to know who did it. That's when Yena says she also lost her phone. Youngeun says that Seulbi was the last one with Yena and Coach has Seulbi empty her entire bag.

Woohyun notices the case and pulls out the phone and Seulbi, becoming even more flustered, says that it wasn't her. Coach hands the phone over to Yena who says that the money isn't in her phone and Seulbi still says she's innocent, but Coach calls her out anyway.

HT and Coach sit with Seulbi, Yena, and Chunshik. HT tells Seulbi that a mistake is not a crime and tells her to be honest with them. Seulbi still claims her innocence. She looks over to Yena who avoids eye contact and Chunshik does the same.

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