"Chill down for a bit, Togami—" I was cut off when he glared at me, I felt a shiver ran up to my spine.

"That I am not the culprit is something you particularly should know best,"


"Give me the key to your room,"

"If I didn't gave a key, I couldn't have entered my own room at all."

"Huh? But Kirigiri didn't ya told me and Naegi about the key—" I trailed of as she glared at me, then Togami eyed me in suspicious.

"--What are you talking about?"

"Uh... nothing! I was wrong," I said quickly while waving my hands, I knew it... I didn't want Kirigiri died because I know she's innocent.

But how can I prove it to the others?

Kirigiri lightly bit her lip as my eyes widened, somewhat confused in her reaction... why was she acting panicked? Can it be...?

"--Kirigiri! You're still willing to persist this far is unseemly!"

"Wait a minute Togami! She isn't the culprit... probably,"

"Here you go again, you and your instincts, why are you covering for her Misaki?"  No... I'm not covering her, she isn't the culprit, I know so!

"Hey, we don't have all day, you know. The most suspicious one gotta be Kirigiri-san, right? Then is it alright if I resume to the voting time already?"

"--Isn't this trial peculiar?" Naegi said as we turned to him.

"Why is that?"

"I mean—the victim is someone none of us even knee about up until now, and we suddenly hold a trial for her! It's strange, everyone else thinks so too, right?"

"--The victim is Ikusaba Mukuro,"

"Don't you think there's more than this than meets the eye? On top of that, the fact you keep trying to rush us is just strange! I'm sure this is some trap you have set up!"

"Couldn't be it is just a trap you're trying to set ip instead, Naegi-kun?"

"Wait, Naegi is right. The person were holding a trial on is someone we don't know... how can we kill someone who we don't know?"

"No one knows but you, right? Misaki-san~!"

"Huh? What do you mean—!"

I trailed off as Monokuma did told me about Ikusaba Mukuro... could it be?

"Okay, time's up! This school trial is now over, that's why it is the best you stop chatting with each other."

"Why are... we out of... time?"

"Voting time! Place your votes using the switch in front of you!"

"--The one who discovered the key for the locker with the murder weapon was Naegi-kun, wasn't it? There's a chance he pretended to find that key to frame me."

"--What...?" I was surprised as I turned to Naegi who was sweating bullets.

"I couldn't enter my own room, that's the only other possibility I thought,"

What? Naegi is the... culprit?

"--Then doesn't this mean Naegi's the culprit?!" The others turned to them as he was really nervous.

"Let's move on to business—"


Voting: Naegi Makoto is the black

I voted for myself making Monokuma angry at me as I could feel myself shiver nervously.

"What are ya doing, voting for yourself, Misaki-san? Well anyways, thanks to the majority vote your safe~!"


"You're still covering him?"

"THIS IS STRANGE! Why did you tell us time was up? Nothing is right about this, Monokuma!" Naegi yelled as I could see his face turning pale.

'If he dies now... I would go crazy!'

"Then, let's get started, shall we?"

"Wait! If you're going to kill Naegi, kill me instead—I couldn't take it if he dies now!" I yelled as I ran up to Monokuma, begging.

"I'm just extracting whatever price I deem suitable, Misaki-san~!"

"P-Price... what do you mean?"

My eyes widened as I remembered a phrase written on one of the pages of the death note book.

Once your wish is granted, he will take the what is important to you.

My knees crashed on the ground as my eyes widened, sweat trickled down my forehead, tears flowing from my eyes.

"T-This is the price that... I'm suppose to pay? Just because... I wanted to know some truth? No way..."

Naegi's Pov.

What're they talking about?

What does Monokuma mean by the Price Misaki-san has to pay?

"It's punishment time~!"

"No, I'm not the culprit—!"

Before I could finish my statement, Monokuma rang the buzzer in front of her while laughing manically.

Naegi Makoto has been found guilty. Commencing Execution.

I turned to Misaki-san who was crying, I smiled sadly at her.

"I'm sorry Misaki-san, I couldn't keep our promise..." The promise I made with her that night that I will survive, I won't make her sad... now it's broken.

"Wait, don't go—" She said trying to reach for me but... I was captured by Monokuma as the execution commenced, here it is... my death.

I was forced to seat on the chair as Monokuma was teaching me some stuff while I was nervous because I knew my death was coming closer.

Am I really going to die...?

I shut my eyes as tears ran through my cheeks, regretting not confessing how I feel to the girl I love, I was pathetic.

The engine stopped as I opened my eyes and saw Alter Ego, I fell on the deep, deep place as the last thing I saw was the light above from this abyss.

Goodbye... my beloved Misaki-san.

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