Why me?

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"What do you mean I have cancer?!" I shout.

"We mean that there is a thin tumor covering most of your main organs," the doctor says, (doctors are so stupid, they think they know everything? I bet none of 'em have actually ever gotten any of these diseases they know all about) "it's more accurately known as Mesothelioma."

"Well, Doc, I would like to know how you are going fix this 'Mesothelioma' because I don't have any family to be there for my funeral. And you better tell me that chance of death makes it cheaper!"

"It does not Kin, but your orphanage is well prepared and certainly well endowed to pay for your treatment costs," He informs me.

"At least tell me I don't have to go to school!" I yell.

"Kin, sickness does not mean you can skip school. Even if it is fatal. You will find yourself here for treatment most of the time, but you will also go to school for most of the week for the time being."

I sigh, but when I do, I start to choke and cough.

"Dry cough and shortness of breath is one of the symptoms of Mesothelioma. Weight loss, fever, chest or abdomen pain," (which I've been having) "anemia, muscle weakness, and there might be fluid building up in your chest," he pauses to let me cough and then continues, "Can you tell me which you have been having an-" *pause for cough* "and leave out the dry coughing."

"Well, when I was running the other day I got tired more easily than usual and today I had a fever so we came here. Lately, when I get up too fast everything gets dark and I feel dizzy. Oh! And other than the fever, lately I have been getting tired a lot easier and the other day my leg gave out, so all the kids were really worried and told the director to take me here." (wow, I guess I really am sick.)

"Ok, with these kinds of symptoms it seems your case of Mesothelioma is even more special than we thought. I thought before that we might have caught it early, but it seems now that we really did."

"What? You said before that you caught it early."

"Yes, true, but the normal time for us to catch it is around stage three or even five because the symptoms can easily blend in with normal life. There is no reliable cure for this disease, so we need to find the best treatment for you. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are very common methods."

"You said that it was a tumor so why can't you just cut it out?" I ask stupidly.

"Not possible. It is a thin veil covering major organs, so it isn't just hard for us, it would kill you," he answers.

"Well, how does this whole thing work?"

"Well, first we give you medicines to help you with the symptoms and do some tests to see how bad it is. Depending on the stage you are in, you will either wait for treatment or do it right away. But it is all up to you."

"Do it however you want Doc. All I wish is for my hair to stay on my head!"

"We can prolong the chemotherapy then."

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