Chapter 10: It's Okay

Start from the beginning

I grabbed some clothes for today and headed toward the bathroom downstairs. After closing the door and turning on the shower, the dream came back to mind. I still wondered why I saw us die at the hands of an unhappy fan. I stripped down and jumped into the shower. While washing up, I thought about telling Mark about it. But, I felt like it would make him worry more. He was already so hurt by those comments. I didn't want him to cry again. He didn't need that. I decided to tell him after the convention was over, that way he wouldn't freak out about it so much. I finished up in the shower and dried off. Putting on my thin long-sleeved red shirt, I smiled in the mirror as I fixed my hair. 'It's gonna be fine. He'll know soon.'

I strode out of the bathroom to find Mark already in the kitchen making breakfast. By the smell of it, he was making pancakes. I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I nuzzled my face into his shoulder. "Hey, there," he said. "Want some pancakes?" He looked over at me, a goofy grin on his face. I chuckled. "Every time I think of pancakes and you, #SexyMark comes to mind." He flipped the pancake, giving me an airy laugh as he shook his head. I kissed his cheek and let go of him. He turned around with a small stack on a plate in his hand. Mark sat it down in front of a chair on the dining table. His hands motioned to the chair in front of the spot, ushering me to sit. I smiled as I walked over to him and sat down. As he pushed in my chair, Mark leaned into my ear. "You know, I'd give you a reenactment of that," he whispered. "But, I just got cleaned up." I looked over at him, my face on fire. "MARK!" I shouted. He shrugged his shoulders at me. "What? I was just sayin' I would." I rolled my eyes at him as he went back to pancake making.

He sat down with me at the table when he finished up in the kitchen. We began to talk and laugh as we shoved fluffy, syrup-covered pancakes into our mouths. I felt a bit better when I saw Mark in a lively mood. He was 10x better than last night. 'Thank goodness he's better.'

When we were both finished, I picked up our plates to put them in the sink. I figured that it was the least I could do. As I moved toward the kitchen, Mark grabbed onto my arm; not tight enough to hurt me, just enough to stop me. "Why were you crying this morning?" he asked softly. I didn't think he noticed. I really didn't want to say right now. "I-It was nothing," I simply said. "Just a dream, that's all." I started to move forward a bit, but he pulled be back to him. His arms gently draped around my waist as he held me close. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" he asked, his voice almost in a whisper. "Yeah, I know," I responded. I sat the plates onto the table once more and turned toward him. I looked into his eyes, which pleaded me to tell him what I dreamt. "I'll spill, but you might want to sit down."

Then, I told him. I told him everything. Every detail, every sight. When I got to the part about his death, I began to cry. I really didn't want to see that in my mind once more. It terrified me. I looked up at Mark, his eyes full of worry and tears. He beckoned me over to him. I got up from my seat and sat down on his lap. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close to his warm body. My hands cupped his face, thumbs wiping away the tears from his cheeks. I laid my head against his chest as he rocked back and forth and hummed. It was very calming. After a few moments, he spoke. "I'm sorry that you had to dream about that. But, you have to remember what you said. 'As long as we love each other, nothing can hurt us, right?' Everything will be okay as long as we stay strong. And, it was only a dream. You're still here and so am I. We're okay. We'll be fine. It's okay." I knew he was right. We should be fine. Nothing can hurt us.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Mark asked, wiping away my tears that were still falling. "I-I just didn't want you to worry," I whispered. "You were already thinking about it. I just wanted you to be okay." He looked at me, shaking his head. "I was planning to tell you after the convention was over." He rolled his eyes at me. "I was!" I raised my voice slightly. He smiled. "It's fine, but you should be able to tell me anything at any time. I can handle it as long as I've got you." I sighed, looking down. "Sorry, Mark." He picked me up, moving over to the couch. He sat me down and kissed my forehead. "It's alright. No apology is needed." He moved away from the couch to the door. Mark returned with two pairs of shoes in his hands. "We should get moving, though. Okay?" I nodded as I put my shoes. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. He came up behind me a few moments later, wearing his "Home is Where the Pants Aren't" shirt. His hand went up into my hair, moving it around and getting it tangled within it. I grabbed it, pulling it down to my side and lacing our fingers together. "Hey! I need that!" he playfully shouted. I looked at him, raising my eyebrow. "Really? 'Cause it looks to me like you weren't using it for anything." I smiled playfully at him. He just rolled his eyes and began to brush his teeth with his other hand.

We finished up and headed out the door, hand in hand.

I knew at that moment, that everything would be okay.

A/N: And, after the long awaited chapter, everyone said:


Hey, guys! It's me, Jepsyca! I have chapter 10 finally done! Yes! THE SATISFACTION! Really, I wanted it to be way longer, but I felt as if this would have been a good place to end the chapter.

Did you expect the nightmare? I bet not! I didn't even expect it until I began to write it. Was it okay, or nah? I don't know. I kinda like it.

Anywho, this had been put off for awhile for several reasons:

1. I had to take a fuck-ton of tests (and I still have one more this week plus finals next month)

2. I didn't know where to take it, but now I have an idea

3. I began to write other things. Yeah, I should stay focused on this until I'm done, but I have so many ideas! I might be writing more Septiplier things!~ But, I also want to do a few teen fiction items and work on my one-shots. I hope that's okay. 

I will keep working on this, so expect more chapters soon. I've been in a writing mood! Ciao for now!


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