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When I woke up i was on the bus and we were leaving, I guess Belle asked to go to the next state.

Goodbye Vermont! I would say had fun but the only good out of it was the trees and coffee.

Next stop Boston, Massachusetts! The tv was on and Grease was blaring in my little cubby.
I cant wait to get there.

"Hey Belle", i said groggily "I want to go to Salem and maybe shop?" she nodded her head knowingly.

After driving for who knows how long; maybe a day, we arrive at holiday inn.

As soon as we walked in i claimed the bed closer to the window. It was so cute, it smelt like lemons in here and there was a fridge filled with food!

I walk over to the window and look out to see more orange and burgundy leaves on trees and an old white chapel.

We skipped through Boston because it was mostly city.

I looked down into the center area where there was a pool. Maybe in a little bit. "Hey Belle lets go to the pool later?" I ask her tilting my head like a cat.

She turns around with her hair brush still in hand. "Sure" she shrugs her shoulder.

I stayed in the window for a little longer watching the birds fly around in the sunny yet grey sky.

The hotel was formed in a circle and the center was a pool and playground. The outer area was rooms.

I examined every crevice and color of each room. But one seemed to catch my eye, maybe because it was the only other window blinds open.

At that moment i felt someone watching me; but the room was dark except for a single lamp light. At first there was nothing, then a silhouette came into view. I slammed the blinds closed super fast.

"Belle lets go to the pool" I said with my black bathing suit on and waterproof setting spray all over me.

"Damn i knew that suit would be great on you. Let me go and grab my tanning oil" she giggled.

Why does she never swim ugh, all she does is tan.

Allwell more pool for me! I clap vigorously realizing i probably look like a freak clapping my hands in an empty hall.

After going down multiple stairs and passing doors we finally make it to the pool the hot concrete instantly burning my feet.

I squeal at the hot burning sensation in my pale feet and leap into the deep end of the pool.

Time seemed to feel like a decade... Bubbles formed around my face tickling my cheeks.

I opened my eyes in the clear water but all I see is more bubbles.

After the bubbles all cleared theres a boy in front of me with bright green eyes and lips that were plump and pink.

He smiled at me understanding my escape from reality. My feet were at the bottom of the pool where it was slick and somehow the cluts i am, I SLIP! IN A POOl UNDERWATER!

The green eyed boy grabs me by my waist and we float back up to the surface.

It felt like hours i was under there.

I thought that mind had made up the boy that grabbed me but I still felt those warm arms around me.

When i looked back at boy he smiled "Hi" I said unsure of what else to say.

He opened his mouth to reply but giggling cut him off. I look over to see Belle sitting with her pink bikini, feet in the water, and next to a chubby blue eyed boy.

"Belle!" I yelp out at her curious as to who he is.
"Hey S! I see you met Paul" she gestures towards the boy still wrapped around my waist.

"Paul?" I say questionably.
He does a little smirk but ends up with just his lip between his teeth.

All i have to say holy shit...

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