Chapter 37: Cabrel

Start from the beginning

I could only shake my head in shock. The more I entangled myself with the Phoenix the more I realized I had always been caught up with them. There was the prophecy that tied Nemia to the Phoenix, as well as Cabrel leaving the capital for the rebels and my parents joining after I'd been taken. Jaden had been my teacher, but Aiden had also had a history with him, and so had the Sage, who may or may not have structured Nemia's life around avoiding the prophecy of the assassin killing the king. Everything looped back around to connect to everything else, and the more I learned the more I suspected it went even deeper than I knew.

It was scary in a way that prickled my skin like something was sneaking up behind me. Not knowing how deep these connections went made me worry about accidently tripping over one.

I dragged my mind back to the subject at hand. "You think Jaden was in love with him?"

"I think they were in love with each other. I know it hurt him when Cabrel left for Maenar-- I think that's part of why I left too. I could have just cut ties with him, but I was angry. I wanted him to be hurt the way I was. I guess recreating Cabrel leaving felt like a good way to do that."

I winced. It explained why Jaden had always skirted around the subject of Wes leaving. Their break must have been just as painful for him. Having lost two people... and both to the rebels. No wonder he'd warned me away from them yet never expected me to listen. My heart hurt.

"I never got up the courage to talk to him, though. I guess I thought he'd be angry I tried to hurt Jaden. After all, he only left because he had to."

"Wait, what?"

"I said, I never got up my courage to talk to Cabrel, because--"

"Cabrel's here." Of course, that was what Wes had told me, but I hadn't been thinking. Cabrel was in Maenar, and so was I, looking for someone Jaden had sent me to find! What if Cabrel--

"No, actually," Wes said. "Not at the moment. He's kind of disappeared. He probably went on a mission."

My hopes deflated. Cabrel didn't fit Jaden's description anyway. An opponent, famous for killing without mercy. But I would have liked to see him regardless.

"Adina? Wes?"

We started at the shout, then leaned forward together to look down at the street below.

Kay waved one arm at us, looking frustrated. "Come down! We've got work to do."

"Story time over," Wes groaned. "Should we go down the short way?"

"Sure," I said, and we slid off the edge and climbed down the wall.


Therese was back, and angry that she'd been left out of the past few meetings, but Kay pointed out that it had been necessary.

"Until-- unless-- we complete an alliance with the Cycla, you're still an outsider. We can't have a noble sitting in on a High Circle meeting or getting involved with a war between factions."

She huffed, but there was no argument. "Fine. Are we working on my plan now?"

"My plan," Lucien corrected. "I came up with it."

"But I made it work."

"But I've been working my ass off making weapons for it."

Evvie stepped in with a sigh. "Quit it, no more fighting. I've got a headache already. It's nobody's plan until we make it work. Are we ready for phase one tomorrow?"

"I still don't think we should be starting the plan until we've figured out the war with the Silvers," Kay said.

"I agree," Evvie admitted, "But Aunt Ysmay doesn't want to put everything on hold. We shouldn't lose momentum."

"Well, isn't Adina going to figure out a solution to our war any day now?" Liz asked sarcastically.

"I might."

"Oh, don't you two start fighting too," Evvie groaned.

"We're not," Liz said, bumping her shoulder against mine. "Dina knows I'm joking."

"I wasn't," I said. "I'll figure something out."


So, Cabrel, who I know was only mentioned briefly in TRT, has turned up again! 

But more importantly, I've settled on a new title, and it's THE ROGUE GUARDIAN. I'll actually change the title in a day or two to give you guys a chance to see this note and expect it. And a cover change to match the new title will be coming soon (it might be similar to the current cover or not, I'm not sure)

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