"I know that El, and I hope you know that I love you too."

"Are you happy?" I asked him as I turned so that I straddled his groin.

"Of course, and you, are you happy?" he asked making me think how stupid I must be not to have anticipated him throwing that right back at me.

"I am," I began causing something to flicker in my husband's eyes. "I miss how things were," I added and immediately he nodded, he got what I was saying.

"I wasn't fair to you when I married you, I was being selfish..."

"No," I attempted to stop him, to prevent him continuing, from saying something neither of us could go back from.

"Yes. You were, you are beautiful, funny, clever and sexy, but I didn't think it through, that when I was approaching sixty you wouldn't even be thirty, that our needs and capabilities would be poles apart, always were really. I want you to be happy darling, I want to make you happy, but I can't be the man I was five, ten or more years ago, or the man you probably ever needed."

I didn't know what to say or do, so said and did nothing. Relief washed over me as Michael reached up and pulled me to him and kissed me, not the usual peck on the cheek, but a kiss of passion and desire I thought and whilst it wasn't the battle I'd engaged in with Cy, that was what that blonde woman had called him, it was wonderfully different. I adjusted my position so that my sex was positioned over his burgeoning erection.

"You are so beautiful, so sweet and beautiful," Michael told me as he pulled back from our kiss and gently cupped my breast, the one that had been bitten earlier in the evening.

A low, loud groan echoed around us as the earlier, sweet pain was reignited by my husband's gentler caress. I wanted to ask him to be firmer, like earlier, but didn't know how to.

"Let's go to bed," Michael suggested but with thoughts of this and my earlier encounter mingling in my mind it meant I didn't want this moment breaking. I hadn't had sex with my husband for a year or more and I wanted this, needed it if only to prove that earlier was a mistake and this was real.

"Here, do it here," I pleaded as I undid the buttons on Michael's shirt revealing the scar that ran down his chest.

"We'll be more comfortable in bed love," he replied preparing to evict me from his lap.

How did I tell him that I didn't want comfortable and I didn't want to be beautiful, sweet or his love? I wanted to be a dirty girl, his baby and desperate.

"No!" I protested becoming a little bratty before hastily reaching beneath me for the belt on his trousers. "Michael, please, here, please, now," I begged.

He seemed to take pity on me and relaxed against the sofa, allowing me to free his semi-erect penis as his hand made its way into my shorts via the leg where he found me naked. I continued to stroke along his length, attempting to further arouse him and myself with limited success, but that was ok, we could do this. Unlike earlier I wasn't wet enough meaning that Michael withdrew his fingers and resorted to sucking them to add some moisture before returning them to my sex as horror filled my head at the idea that a complete stranger had turned me on in a way my husband wasn't able to do, had never been able to.

"That's better," he told me as his finger found my clit and his spit allowed it to move freely.

I stared at his hand moving beneath my clothes and closed my eyes, trying to conjure images in my head that would block out the actual one I was part of.

"Michael, wait, I want to feel you," I told him as I began to free myself from my husband's hold, lowering myself down the sofa until I was faced with Michael's groin, intent on making his penis a full erection, to let us move on from this awkwardness.

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