"Vaaran paaru master bottle ooda.." Rayan mumbled.Anirudh giggled while he was facing down.

"So anirudh whats the plan!? Im not leaving you.Untill you tell us what you have planned." Rayan stated.

"Hey calm down man.Nothing special today is anika's birthday so I planned to give a surprise." Anirudh said,smilingly.

"Oh shit." Rayan pouted and grabbed his phone to have a look at the date."Damm yeah its here birthday today.March 15th."

Anirudh smiled in happiness.He gave a weird look at joey.Because he was having his hot chocolate sincerely.So then he left to take his shower.Just then nisha came down.

"Nisha guess what.Today is anika's birthday." Rayan pouted.Nisha first looked blurred then she realized the date.

"OMG!! Yes.How did I forget man let me go wish her.She still asleep." Nisha pouted excitngly and ran back to her room.But then anirudh stopped her.

"Nisha dont woke her up.Let her sleep peacefully.And I will be going to nainaa's house now if she is awake she will pour alot of questions." Anirudh said.

Nisha nodded her head and she went to the dinning hall.No one bothered about joey as he was busy dating with his hot chocolate.

Anirudh went to his room.He was picking up so many t-shirts out from his suitcase what to wear on today.Nothing matched for his day today.Just then his eyes caught on a blue full hand shirt which was deep under his thousands of dress.He took and planned to wear it on.He smilingly went inside the bathroom and took his shower.Then he combed his hair and went downstairs.

"Ani.have your breakfast and go." Nisha insisted. Anirudh sat to have his breakfast and the maid served him.After having his food.Before leaving he again reminded his friends not to open their mouth about his plan.Everyone agreed to his compliments.Anirudh walked to nainaa's house.

He reached there and knocked the door.No one came to open the door.He again knocked the door and rang the bell.Nainaa opened the door in her hazely sleepy face.She shirked her eyes and rubbed her eyes.She was in a disbelief stage.She couldn't believe that Anirudh is standing infornt of her.

"Anirudh." Nainaa called him lovingly and hugged him tightly at the second.Anirudh was shocked and freezed.He gently backed away from the hug.Nainaa was disappointed.

"Nainaa.I need to talk to you!?" Anirudh said,politely.Nainaa welcomed anirudh inside her house.He sat on the sofa and nainaa sat beside him.Anirudh felt a bit awkward when nainaa sat beside him.

"Anirudh.I dont know whether is this for real or dream.Cant believe your just right beside me." Nainaa pouted,and wrapped her arm around Anirudh's.Anirudh got pulled away.

"Nainaa im not here for what you think!? Im here to confess." Anirudh stated,quietly.Nainaa looked bluntly.

"Confess!?" Nainaa asked,confused.

"I love anika more than anything.She is my life.Without her i cant live.I dont really remember what happened between us too.Its all because of my shitty memory loss." Anirudh explained.softly.Nainaa became mad and she moved.

"So this is the reason you're here!?" Nainaa asked,brokenly.

"Yes,Im sorry nainaa I cant live with you happily in any means.Because you're my cousin.If I was compelled to marry you and live with you.Honestly to say I wouldn't have made you happy! Because Anika will never leave my heart." Anirudh said.Nainaa became furious.

"Anirudh stopped." Nainaa shouted.Anirudh became quite.Nainaa came closer to anirudh and pulled out his sleeve.

"How could just forget everything man!? Dont you remember how we both were!? I gave you so much of freedomness.Do atleast remember that we crossed our limits." Nainaa cried.Anirudh looked in shock.

The Book Of Love #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now