Record: prisoner name: Jace

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Month 3: prisoner is showing signs of fear when we come close to him. He still cures at us so in return he is whipped an extra hour. Broken:50% Weights:130
Month 4: prisoner has began to refuse food and is becoming thinner. No longer cures at us. Cries out less often which we still punish him for. Is showing signs of depression. Has cuts along his arms and legs from him scaring himself. Broken:70% weight:125
Month 5: prisoner has tried to kill himself, and failed. We increased punishment. And depression has gonna worst as well as the weight loss. We force food and water down his throat. Wounds on him are infected. Broken:95 weight:110
Month 6: we need to lighten prisoner punishment if we do not want to kill him. He is extremely submissive, weak, cries to himself. When we walk by him he crumbles into a ball in the corner and shakes violently and cries. Has many infections. Broken: 100 weights:99
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