Chapter 23

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At the moment, I was locked in a human cage with Annabeth and Harry. The three of us fought our bums off and what do we get as a reward? Thrown in a cage by a gigantic Cyclops! The ripped up all of Harry's vines, killing them by the root. I used the strongest amount of Charmspeak that I could, but it didn't work.

After a few minutes of trying to break the cage, I saw gigantic figure walking towards the cage. I released the grip I had on the bars and stood straight.

"Hello demigods," the large man said, "I am Aegaeon." I growled at him, and Harry pushed me behind him.
"You are the one who kidnapped the god and goddesses," Harry said confidently. Aegaeon smiled a wretched smile and nodded.

"You are a very fast learner, demigod," he said calmly.

"Why?!" Annabeth yelled. Aegaeon chuckled and stepped closer to our cage.

"The gods don't deserve to be ruling Olympus," he explained, "us Titans do. We are the mothers and fathers of the gods! We are superior!" I walked closer to him.

"Let's us go!" I yelled, Charmspeak pouring out of my mouth, "Let us g-"

I couldn't finish my sentence. My throat stopped up. I began coughing and hacking, not able to get a word out. I stumbled around and fell down. I continued coughing uncontrollably. Suddenly, pink smoke started coming from my mouth. I watched it trail to Aegaeon and surround his head. His face became blank, as if he had no clue of what was going on.

I groaned and started banging on the cage again, wanting desperately to get out. I wanted to fight the Titan until he was no more. I growled at the fact that I was failing at breaking out.

"What metal is this?!" I almost screamed, laying flat on my back in frustration. Strangely, Aegaeon answered.

"It's freezing Celestial Bronze," he explained, "it only breaks us it is hit by Stygian Iron or crashes into a hard surface." Harry, Annabeth, and I looked at him strangely. I noticed the pink smoke around him disappear, and he shook his head.

"What?!" Aegaeon screamed, "What did I tell you?!" He obviously didn't remember what he has said while he was in some type of trance.

Trance...I thought to myself. The pink smoke came out of me when I was coughing my guts out. When it reached him, he became dazed. Then, when I requested something, he obeyed. I the understood what had happened. That smoke was Charmspeak, but in a vapor form. I turned around and blew some air out of my mouth. A tiny amount of the smoke came out and disappeared fast. I smiled, knowing it was my only way to get him to tell me what I needed to know.

"I don't recall that much," Harry admitted to Aegaeon, "something about Stygian Iron being one of the only things to break cold bronze or something." Then, I saw an arrow fly over the cage and hit the chain holding it up. The chain snapped, sending us hauling to the ground. We all screamed, bracing ourselves as the cage broke on impact.

"No!" The Titan protested. He turned around to the other way, "you, Arrow Boy, will pay!" I crawled around Aegaeon to see Niall, Liam, and Percy. Niall had just shot the arrow to free us.

"Fat chance!" Niall yelled, "You pudgy fish!" Aegaeon screamed and ran for him. Before he could be reached, Niall jumped out of the way with Liam and Percy, quickly loading an arrow and shooting it into the Titan's arm.

I grabbed Foniás from the ground and stood up. I looked over at Harry, who was concentrating on a piece of dead vine. The more he stared, the greener the leaves got. I smiled, realizing what he was doing. He was bringing the plants back to life.

"All of you demigods will pay for what you have done to my operation!" Aegaeon yelled, running towards us. As if on cue, Harry pushed his arms out, commanding the vines to wrap around the evil Titan's limbs. The vines tightened and pinned him to the wall.

"This is not going to stop me!" Aegaeon proclaimed with a crazy look in his eye. I got an idea at that moment.

"Everyone step back," I commanded with a little Charmspeak, and they did. I walked closer to the Titan, who was fighting his leafy restraints will rage. I could see the vines tightening by Harry's command. After a few moments, I inhaled a large amount and exhaled a gigantic cloud of pink smoke. The smoke swirled around Aegaeon, making his face go dormant and bleak.

"You will let all of the gods and goddesses go," I commanded, "and you will never pull such a vile and wicked stunt ever again. You shall never leave this cave or send any of your monsters or guards to capture or hurt anyone else for the rest of eternity. Understood?!" Aegaeon nodded, letting his gaze droop to the floor. Seeing that his eyes were closed, I came to the conclusion that the vapor had intoxicated him. I smiled and turned to the other boys. We had succeeded.


Quest is now complete! There is only about two or so more chapters left :(. Please vote!

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