Bake Them Cookies

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This was a dare from a friend. Enjoy! Peace out.

I dare Adrien to ..... *smug look* help Marinette bake cookies.

Adrien: Really? Ehh okay then.

(At the bakery)

Marinette: Okay now you put the chocolate chips like so.

Adrien: Awww it looks delicious already.

Marinette: 'Is this real? I can't believe my eyes. If this is a dream I don't want to wake up!'

Adrien: 'She's not getting flustered today, unlike every other day.'

Marinette: Now we put the cookies in the oven and set it to medium. I'll be in the living room.

Adrien: I'll guard the cookies. I must not let them burn.

Marinette: Hahaha yeah you go do that.

Adrien: 'S-She laughed. She's so cute. Wait what am I saying?'

A few minutes later

Adrien: Mari. Mari? MARI! Them cookies are done. They might burn.

Marinette: Oh my I'm so sorry. *Gets cookies from oven* oww.

Adrien: What happened? Are you okay?

Marinette: It's fine. I accidentally burnt my finger a little.

Adrien: How? You were wearing mittens, weren't you?

Marinette: Well the heat was too hot to handle haha. Nevermind I'll deal with it.

Adrien: 'Too hot to handle.' Just like me?

Marinette: Don't be silly... wh-what d-did you just say?

Adrien: 'Shit I said it out loud. How do I get out of this mess now?' No I was just kidding.

Marinette: Oh *akward laughter* oww my finger's red.

Adrien: Stay here I'll get the first aid kit. Where is it?

Marinette: Just get the bandaid. It's in the medicine cabinet over there.

Adrien: There *kisses finger* feel better?

Marinette: T-Thanks, let's not keep the cookies waiting.

Adrien: Mangeons (Let's eat). These cookies are great. What makes it taste so good?

Marinette: The secret ingredient to any recipe is love.

Adrien: Nom nom nom. Thank you for the love.

Marinette: *blushing really hard*

Adrien: Do you have a fever? You look really red.

Marinette: I'm f-fine. H-hey since we made a lot of cookies, I'll let you take some home.

Adrien: You're the best Mari. Merci, merci beaucoup (Thanks, thank you so much) *hugs Marinette tight*.

Marinette: Fufufu you're welcome.

After a while

Marinette: Here you go Adrien. Goodbye.

Adrien: Please don't ...

Marinette: ???

Adrien: I-I hate goodbyes.

Marinette: Ummm see you soon I guess?

Adrien: Yeah see you soon.

Author: Adrien snuck past his dad and went straight to his room. He locked the door and put the cookies on a plate. He got his phone and listened to some tunes while reading wattpad while eating cookies.

 He got his phone and listened to some tunes while reading wattpad while eating cookies

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