Ch. 21 - Familiar faces - pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Graham and Alpha Timothy notice me stumbling and come to my side instantly to help me might I need it. But I regain my balance and my pace rather quickly. Graham trained me well. Regardless of me gaining speed again, the two of them don't stray from my side.

'Are you okay, Rue?' Graham is quick to mindlink me. Alpha Timothy nudges my side a little when I almost bump into him. 'Yes. I guess so?' I reply doubtfully. I'm not sure if I should tell them. After all, this isn't the first time I thought I'd heard Adam speaking to me and reassuring me. Maybe I'm finally going insane?

'I thought I heard him... Graham.' I say eventually, upon hearing my words he tumbles over his own paws but catches himself before he hits the ground. 'He told me not to rush and that they're safe.'

For a while there is no answer from him, we just keep running at full speed. Alpha Timothy keeps his steady pace beside me, but I know that he's heard my words, too. I mindlinked them to our whole unit. All five of us. However it is soon decided that it won't change our course, nor our schedule. All units are depending on each other and the sooner we're done, the faster we can get everybody back to their families.

In the end that is our goal; to reunite the soldiers with their children, lovers, siblings, parents and friends.

Hopefully we'll get to talk to my uncle. We've agreed that fighting him isn't necessarily in our best interest. Because if one of us were to defeat him; who would take on the role of Alpha in Blood Hounds? Do the pack members even want a new Alpha? Jonathan and Steve said the opinions differ from wolf to wolf.

So who's to say what's best?

But we do know that giving him what he wants - Alana to be his Luna, Steve, Jonathan and me - isn't beneficial for us as individuals. Going back to Blood Hounds will cost us our freedom to make our own choices and decisions.

I have gone so long without the chance of choosing for myself that I don't want to trade it back. Not in a million years. I'll pass. And I'm grateful that there are five whole packs who support me in that. They're willing to stand by me and fight for my freedom.

Yet it is still a little hard for me to believe that my uncle is plotting a war against us. I mean it just doesn't make sense, for someone who's avoided the 'outside world' for so long... why would he choose to start a war and ignite something he's been afraid of? Surely it can't be just because four of his pack members left?

Even when my mom fled, he didn't start a war - he went out and searched for her and when he found her he simply took her home. So why the heavy defences?

But somehow I know that us leaving was the tipping point. Us leaving caused him to react this way. And I recall my mother's words: "He loves us, he just doesn't know how to show it". What if that is true? What if he is just misunderstood? Is there a way to make him see that we're not a threat? That they didn't take us away from him, but instead gave us a chance on life, a different life than we would've had, had we stayed in Blood Hounds?

And as I'm lost in thoughts about my uncle, I'm vaguely aware of water flowing nearby. And then the unit that is running alongside us comes to a halt. We follow their example and sit down.

'This is where we were able to reach, the woman should be a little ahead of you.' A big, grey wolf says. We nod our heads and look towards the trees - I don't notice anything strange. I don't know exactly what it is I expected - darker trees, fog, strange noises - but nothing seems to be out of the ordinary.

When I look towards Graham, I see that he, too, is searching for something - anything - to indicate that we'll have trouble travelling any further.

'Everything seems fine to me' Mackenzie gives voice to what every one of us is thinking.

The grey wolf snorts in return, obviously disagreeing. 'Just wait until you have walked another mile, you'll say differently.'

We bid our goodbyes and take our leave. I'm a little nervous to see a floating woman and secretly hope she's just a part of their imagination and not, in fact, a real spirit.

The longer we walk, the clearer the sound of water flowing becomes. As far as I'm concerned we're still going the right way. We've been walking two miles before Alpha Timothy suggests to 'shift back and take a break'. Nobody argues, instead just do what he suggests without asking why.

No one is in the mood for talking, or arguing. The ambience is far from relaxed and it's making me feel dreadful. Cain comes to sit beside me and after a silence that's been going on for ten minutes, he finally decides to speak up. "You believe he truly mindlinked you earlier?" he asks, and I notice a hopeful glint in his eyes as I look up at him.

"Honestly, I'm not sure" I shake my head, sigh and then put my head in my hands. "This isn't the first time I believed our link was restored." It's not something I like to talk about because it makes me feel like I'm going crazy, but I'm not, right?

I remember when we'd just arrived at Howling Warriors; all I wanted back then was to be like everyone else. I didn't want to be different anymore, or crazy. And I finally felt like I belonged when I came to Shadowwolves where I was no longer the odd, black she-wolf with the mind of a young child.

They accepted me as one of their own - and I had no one but Adam to thank for that.

I don't want to go back to being weird and crazy and strange. But thinking Adam has mindlinked me - even though chances are he didn't - doesn't make me crazy like I was before, does it? I hope not.

"But it sounded like the real him?" Cain pries again, I'm sure he wants me to tell him it is his brother and that he is still fine and alive. But truth is: I cannot tell him that, because I don't know. As much as I want to fuel the hope he has and the happiness he feels at the prospect of Adam being alright, I'm against telling him only things he wants to hear.

"Yes, Cain, it does every single time." My voice sounds empty now, defeated.

"Alright, then I'm going to hold on to the fact that he's fine. He's a tough one after all, that little brother of mine." He nods to himself and his spirit seems to have lifted quite a bit. Part of me thinks it's foolish, but I don't have the heart to tell him that. How could I possibly crush his hopes?

Thank you for reading and voting and commenting. You make me smile everytime I see the number of reads have gone up. And though to some 540 reads is not much, I'm so incredibly happy that you take your time to read my work. Hope not to disappoint you with where the story is heading so far..

You're great,
Lots of love,

Charissa a.k.a Charlie 😋❤

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