Chapter 5 Couple Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own Skip Beat! Here's just a story I wished to happen.. ^_^

"Is that FUWA?!!" Ren growled. The black aura radiated all over his body. Welcome back, Demon Lord!

"Ren." Kyoko reached out to him and placed her hand on his cheek. "I don't know. Can I answer?"

"You'll have to in the end. But I won't go anywhere. I'll stay by your side." Ren patted Kyoko's hand on his cheek. "Go on."

"Hai, thank you." Kyoko took her phone and answered, "Moshi-moshi."

"So, you answered this time. Seems you're alive. After last night, you're gone with that stupid face of yours wandered around. Thought you'd pick the first person you meet just so you can comfort your self. Che! I wasted my time." It was, as Ren thought would be, Sho who called.

Last night, Sho was the first person who met Kyoko after the news broadcasted. He saw her in the worst condition. He even offered to comfort her, and when it didn't work, he provoked her. He kissed her forcefully just so he could get some kinds of reaction from her, but she didn't react at all.

"I told you before, Sho, leave me alone. You never cared about me so don't start now. Better again, you stay away from me."

"Ha! So you got your spirit back. That's better for you." And he cut off the call.

"What's the point calling." Kyoko shook her head and sighed.

"That was the reason I don't want you around him. I, too, want you stay as far away as possible from him." Ren sighed loudly next to her.

"You know I won't go anywhere near him, Ren. He was the one that popped out suddenly in front of me." Kyoko complained.

"What about last night, by the way?" Ren changed the topic. She was, after all, naive in that area.

"Before I went to that park where I met you, he was waiting outside the shop. He saw the news on the net, so he knew about it a bit faster than me. I told him I wouldn't trouble anyone by crying in front of them, so he thought I would go somewhere to cry alone. What he didn't know, since I was little, I had you to run to. I always run to you for every problem."

Kyoko explained carefully, then a memory came back. "Aaah! That bastard! Goddamn it! He did it again! That damn suckling ant!"

Kyoko was clearly mad. Every devil soul made their appearance, swirling around her. Such a perfect couple, if Ren could be a demon lord then Kyoko was demon queen.

Ren, who was shocked by Kyoko's outburst, jumped a bit. Clearly amused, he watched her stomped her feet, ranted about things he didn't know.

'It must be about that damn Fuwa. What did he do this time..?' Ren wondered.

When she finally calmed down, Kyoko turned to Ren and sighed. Ren was really surprised when suddenly she fell into dogeza.

"I'm sorry, Ren. I was drown so deep in thought of what my mother said last night so I just realized what he did to me. He told me he wanted to get some reaction from my dead expression so he kissed me." Kyoko blurted everything very fast, afraid Ren would be furious about it.

"You didn't remember?" Ren asked slowly.

"Not until just now. I think, talked to him triggered it somehow." Kyoko said, confusedly.

Kyoko was shocked when suddenly Ren bursted into laughing. He laughed so hard that he had to hold his stomach.

"Hahaha... Kyoko, I do love you. I can't believe it. Poor Fuwa. To think that his kiss didn't even worth a memory is a pity for him and joy for me. I do feel angry, and his way of act towards you while you were in shock was disgusting, but now when I know that you're mine, I'm kinda feel sorry for him."

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