He has her join him on the bed and begins to talk about Sungyeol, how he didn't know that he would miss his mother that much, but thankfully Stepmother seems to have a bit of sense in her head and says that it's Sungyeol's mother, so he'll probably miss her for the rest of his life and that she's sure his mother misses him as well. Sungyeol's father hugs her and thanks her.Our trio walks by the same convenience store that Sungyeol handed his umbrella over to Seulbi at and she remembers it well. Sungyeol asks where she lives, offering to take her home and Seulbi begins to say where she lives, but Woohyun intercepts by grabbing her hand and saying that they live in the same neighborhood.

As Seulbi and Woohyun continue to walk, Seulbi asks Woohyun where he got his clothes, since she likes them and they're super comfortable for her. Woohyun tells her that she can't buy them since they're super expensive and Seulbi wonders why clothes are so expensive.

It's then that Woohyun asks if Seulbi jumped in to save him, but Seulbi says no, she jumped in to save the seal that can't swim, throwing the nickname back to him. Woohyun takes offense to it, but it doesn't last long since they're on their way again.

Seulbi asks if Woohyun really can't swim and Woohyun just tries to play it off as though he just didn't feel like it. Seulbi tells him that even so, he should swim well like Umbrella (Sungyeol), but Woohyun still goes on with the thing about just not wanting to swim well when he begins to cough. Seulbi worries that he has a cold, but Woohyun pushes her hand away and tells her to not jump into things so rashly.

Before Seulbi can continue talking about the topic of Woohyun not really seeming that he can swim, Woohyun asks why she smiles so much around Sungyeol. Upon hearing his name for the first time, Seulbi thinks that it's nice and cool. Woohyun tells her there's no such thing but Seulbi says that his is as well, it's cool. Woohyun says that it's not just his name, he's also cool as well, but Seulbi says that the psycho fits him perfectly.

Grandma notes it and asks if she can help Woohyun study and asks if Seulbi wants to go to school as well, telling her she can make new friends and perhaps regain her memories. Excitedly, Seulbi tells her that she'll go.

Seulbi goes to an office to get transfer papers for school when a man stops in front of her and tells her that he has those papers. Seulbi wonders how in the world he knew about that and he tells her that he doesn't know certain things, but he pretty much knows everything, so she should just accept it. He tells her that they just need to trade papers but Seulbi hides hers behind her back.

The guy starts going on about how she's doubting him and about how she's become human already since she is doubting him. He says he'll prove it to her and shows her the papers with her name on it to prove it. Seulbi wonders how he knows her name, but he asks her why she keeps asking things and just tells her to take the papers and wishes her a good school life since it's a tough place, but fun, and to be careful of boys.

Seulbi wonders what he's talking about and the guy says that he's a guy as well and they can either be kids or dogs and warns her to be careful. However, Seulbi mistakes the word kids or dogs as 'oh' and 'dear', so the meaning is lost on her. The guy tries to explain the correct meaning to her, with sound effects and all, causing the other workers to look at him strangely and Seulbi just walks away.

Her sunbae appears in front of the building and she runs over to see him, forgetting that others can't see him so she looks like she's talking to no one. Just then the guy from inside comes out and says that he told her to be careful of guys until the sunbae stares at him. It takes a moment but the guy switches tones by saying that if she keeps talking to herself like that she's going to be stuck in a mental institution and nervously walks away. From what I can see, it seems like that guy is similar to Seulbi's case, but I'm not entirely sure.

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