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"We are trapped here"..."we were forced here"..."they are so cruel"..."they won't let me be me"...Says the kids who locked themselves in a tower in hopes of proving a point that "they" are the enemies of this battle. Says the kids who's point of view is so tangled within themselves that they cannot see clearly..."They exclude us"..."they bully us"..."they make fun of us"...says the teens with black hair and piercings on their lips and chokers around their necks. Says the teens who make jokes and rude remarks about other teens with blonde hair and piercings on their ears instead and necklaces around their necks. Says the teens who want to die, but always brushes off the others when problems arise of the mental state...
"We are them"
"ᑎO ᗯE'ᖇE ᑎOT!! ᗯE ᗪOᑎ'T E᙭ᑕᒪᑌᗪE ᑭEOᑭᒪE ᒪIKE TᕼEY ᗪO!!"
"Yes we do!! Don't you see?! We have been doing the exact same thing they have!! We turn away from the kids that aren't like us, we mock them and make fun of them. Then we turn around and say: you don't know how it feels to be an outcast. When we ourselves are rejecting them because they look like one of them"
"YOᑌ ᗪOᑎ'T GET IT ᗪO YOᑌ? YOᑌ IGᑎOᖇᗩᑎT ᑭIEᑕE Oᖴ Tᖇᗩᔕᕼ"
"You just proved my point a million times over and there is nothing I have left to say to you"
Of course they never accept the concept of this, and they never will. They have their heads so high up in the clouds thinking that they are above "them" they don't realize that they are walking down the same street.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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