Chapter 9: The Notice

Start from the beginning

"Get this under control Snape." I said angrily to myself.


Amelia's POV

I charged back to the dorm, putting the box under my bed, and made my way back down the stairs. I was about to leave the common room when I noticed a large white poster pinned up on the board. Walking over to it, I started to read.

Annual Christmas Dance Announcement

All students are welcome to attend the Christmas Dance on this next 18th December. Live music by the Singing Sisters and refreshments for all. There will still be a train available for those who wish to travel home on the usual date of 15th December, but likewise there will be a second train on 20th December. Formal evening wear is required, dresses, suits etc. This event will take place in the Great Hall.

Time: 8:00 pm until 11:30 am (Years 1 to 5)

Or 8:00 pm until 1:00 am (Years 6 and 7)

I put my hand to my forehead. 

"Of course!" I said to myself. How could I have forgotten about the Dance? I laughed to myself as I headed for the door. Severus bought me a dress for the Christmas Dance. Was he going? I stopped, having half a mind to go and ask him, but I went down to the Main Entrance, where I could hear the voices of those who had been to Hogsmead. At the top of the stairs, I saw Ron and Hermione. Ginny was behind them, her arm linked with Dean Thomas's. They had made it official two weeks after their date. Much to the dismay of Ron. I called them and headed down, walking into the Great Hall as they started telling me about the things they had got.


Back in the common room that evening, Hermione, Ginny, Rebecca and Emily were talking excitedly about the Dance, I was sat in an armchair near the fire, reading a book. Ron had gone up around half an hour earlier, complaining that girls were weird.

"So Amy..." Emily called over, yawning and making me look up. It was surprising she was still up. All she normally wants to do is sleep. "What sort of dress are you going to look for?" I closed my book and walked over to them, sitting next to Ginny on the floor.

"Oh... Well, I already have a dress." I admitted. Blushing slightly as I thought about the man who gave it to me.

"What!" They all exclaimed quickly, making me laugh. "How do you already have a dress? The notice went up today! Can we see it?"

"Okay, okay. Calm down. I remembered about the Dance I guess. And sure. I'll go get it." They all nodded enthusiastically, making me laugh again. I walked past the clock near the stairs to the dorm, and rolled my eyes at the time. 01:13

Reaching our door. I quietly went in and retrieved the box from under my bed. Going back into the common room again, I placed it down on the floor and let Hermione open it. She gently lifted out of the box and I rolled my eyes again at the Ohh's and Ahh's that came from the others. Retrieving my book, I pretended to read as I kept my eye on them. Rebecca went back to the box and pulled out the pair of heels.

"Amy! This is gorgeous!" Emily gushed. Earning enthusiastic approvals from Ginny, who had taken the dress, and Rebecca. Hermione was looking in the box again.

"There's nothing else in there Hermione. Just the dress and..." I said, stopping as she pulled out a small, brown and dusty looking book.

"Then what's this?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. She started to open the first page as I darted forward and quickly took it from her. They looked at me questioningly as my heart beat raised. I quickly came up with an excuse.

"Er... It's my old... Urm, sketchbook. You know. Drawings and stuff, not interesting. I forgot it was in there. So you guys like the dress?" I was thankful for my friends' short attention span when dresses were involved, because they instantly started to compliment me, forgetting entirely about the book. I used their distraction as a chance to shove it into my bag.

Not long after, we were all in bed and saying goodnight, the box safely back under my bed. I waited until they were all asleep and sat at the bay window. Taking the album from my bag, I sat and flicked through the pictures again. Smiling at the pictures of the man I have accepted I am falling in love with. Why would he give it to me? I wondered. I could visit him tomorrow before breakfast. I mean, I know how to get into his personal chambers. I gasped again, remembering his password. ASB. Amelia Selena Baxter. Selena after my Mother. I had told Severus my full name a few weeks ago during one of our meetings, which he had returned by telling me his name was Severus Tobias Snape. After his father. I clutched the photo album to my chest. Could he have feelings for me? I thought. Immediately mentally chastising myself. Don't be stupid. I told myself, but it was inadequate to kill the hope that had risen in me. I rested my forehead against the book. Besides, even if he did, we are Teacher and Student, nothing could happen anyway. I sighed and headed back to bed. Putting the album back into my school bag.

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