Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Travis? Cade?" Her mouth dropped open in surprise.

"Jesus, sunshine! Are you okay?" Travis couldn't stop the shaking in his hands as he reached out for her, pulling her gently into his arms. She looked like hell and he was almost afraid to touch her.

"Harley, what the fuck happened?" Cade came barreling up, giving Travis a shove as he yanked her out of his grasp. Obviously, he had no fear to touch her as his hands started inspecting her ripped and torn leather jacket.


"Get out of the way." Bo broke into the group, elbowing Travis and Cade to the side. "Baby girl, are you alright? Are you hurt? Do I need to call an ambulance?"

"Does this damn town even have an ambulance?" Cade scoffed.

"Of course we have an ambulance," Travis snapped. "I'll take her to the hospital." He made a grab for Harley's elbow, but Cade stepped in and blocked it.

"Who are you to decide what is best for her?" Bo demanded, keeping a wiggling Harley plastered to his side.

"I'm her boyfriend."


"Ay dios mio!" Diego came striding up, jerking Harley out of Bo's clutches and wrapping his arms around her. "What happened my Princess?" he asked while putting his hands on Harley, easing them down over body. Invading her personal space as he looked at her injuries.


Travis snarled as each cowboy seized and manhandled his woman like they had a right. Somewhere in the back of his head, warning bells were clanging that he should back off and let her family have their moment...but...well fuck that! Logic could take a flying leap. He was her man. If anyone was going to take care of her, it was damn sure going to be him.

Moving quickly, he strode over and reached for Diego, neatly picking him up by the throat and slamming him against the hood of his truck.


He heard Harley's outraged shout, but frankly, he didn't give a shit. A man could only take so much and right now, there was only him and her so called family. This was as good of time as any to clear up a few issues before they proceeded forward. As for Harley, she would just have to deal with it. She made her choice the night she wrapped her body around his and offered herself up to him. She fucking belonged to him and it was time the rest of these cowboys got the memo.

"Hey, amigo. Let's talk about this, si?" Diego gasped out, trying to pry Travis's grip from around his neck.

"Keep your fucking hands to yourself and we won't be needing to have any more discussions. Comprendo?" Travis warned gruffly, pushing the Latino's head into the hood.

"What the hell, Montgomery!" Bo marched up to them, pulling both cowboys apart.

"Fuckers got a death wish," Cade mumbled under his breath.

Travis turned to him. "Yeah and your next if you so much as lay one more hand on her."

"I already told you man, she's like my sister."

"Do you touch your sister that way?" Travis took a step towards him. He wasn't letting any of them off with that excuse. It was time they learned to take a step back and understand that Harley was his responsibility now.

"He doesn't have a sister," Diego said as he rubbed his neck.

"Not helping, dickhead," Cade said, rolling his eyes at him.

Bo walked up to him and stood chest to chest. "You listen up, buttercup. She was ours long before she was yours. Now why don't you get in your truck, go home and cool down before you stick your head any further up your ass." Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

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