Chapter 4: Afternoon Trouble

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Olivia's P.O.V

The sun was shining and it was deathly boring as hell inside so I decided to go for a walk around the block. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my earphones. I put on Purple Rain by Prince (#RIP Prince)

I was no more than half way from my house when a car drove up, slowed down it's pace and followed me. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see who the driver was.

"Hello, Olivia." The person greeted, rolling open their window. "Long time no see."

I knew that voice. "Brian." I stopped in my tracks and faced him as he stopped his car and climbed out.

"I thought you said you'll never say my name again." He commented.

"Don't try me." I warned, taking out my earphones and shoving them in my pocket.

"Or what?"

"You'll wound up dead."

"As long as my last words are, 'Olivia, I love you' I'll be happy." Brian says, leaning against the car door.

"Shut up." I groaned, folding my arms. "I don't want to hear it."

"Hear what?" Brian cocked his head to the side. "I don't plan on saying anything else."

"Well that is a relief. Now go away since you don't plan on saying anything else." I start walking away.

"Wait, Liv." Brian grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I stumbled and ended up with his arms around my waist.

"Let me go." I hissed.

"No." Brian tightened his grip on causing me to wince. "Just hear what I got to say."

"Brian, I swear if you don't let me go this instance I'll scream rape." I dig my nails into his forearm.



"What?" He asked.

"I do so hate you." I reply, finally breaking free from his grip. "Get yourself away from me Brian, before I do something I'll regret."

"What? Are you afraid of giving me a kiss?" He smirked.

I lost it. I swung my fist, landing it squarely in his jaw making him stumble backwards. I spun myself around and gave a high kick straight to the head, earning satisfying grunt from Brian. Well, satisfying for me not him.

"Geez, Benson." He backed away from me as steadily made my way towards him. "I get the hit." He sarcastically said, climbing into his car.

"Thank goodness." I grin at him.

Brian rolled his eyes. "Ugh, I don't know how people can be friends with you." He stated, starting up the car.

"Maybe they understand me." I smile as he closed his window again. "And cause I'm awesome." I mutter as I watch him drive away.

Elliot's P.O.V

I ducked as an iron got thrown at my head. It landed with a crash as it hit the wall behind me.

"Casey, the hell is wrong with you?" I yell, as I dodged a glass vase be thrown at me.

"Nothing is wrong with me." She stated. "You're the problem."

Damn what did I do now? I wonder.

"Why?" I ask.

"Elliot." Casey ran her hands through her hair. "You come home late, you're either drunk or high on drugs and you never give two hoots at what time of day or night you come home."

"It's my life." I frown, as she glares at me.

"Yes, I know that dumbass but don't you think it's time to settle down and grow up?" Casey questions.

"I have grown up. I've just simply wanted to try certain things out." I reply, shoving my hands in my pockets seen as Casey isn't throwing things at me anymore.

"Yeah and one day I'm gonna have had enough of it and rat you out to the cops."

"You wouldn't." I gasp. "You can't. I'm your brother."

"Duh, and I'm your sister and I'm worried about you." Casey says softly.

"Well, you shouldn't be." I firmly state. "I can look after myself."

"Alright, if you say so." Casey shrugs.

"I do say so."

"Good." She gives me a small smile. "Clean up your mess." Casey pointed to the shattered vase on the floor behind me.

"Okay but why did you throw those at me?" I ask.

"To try and knock some sense into you." Casey grins. "But I see it didn't work."

"Yeah, whatever."

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