At Water's Edge - Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

Midway up the staircase she turns "By staying for the season am I to assume that you have agreed to be my escort?"

Surprised by her bluntness he retorts "That I have not decided as of yet. Perhaps I will, would that please you?"

Contemplating the fact she answers "Let us cross that bridge when we come to it. Goodnight Nicki."

Bowing to her he bids her a good night.

Dear D,

Well it is safe to say that I have had a rather exciting day. I could not wait till tomorrow to write this so here I am. For one I have met the family physician who will be my liaison to discovering a way home. I am hoping that he will find someone to assist me, the sooner the better.

And then there is Monsieur Nicholas Devereux can we say WOW!!! If I ever doubted it I can safely say with conviction that I was soooo... born in the wrong century. Eye candy is a term that does not even begin to describe him. McSteamy and McDreamy got nothing on him.

I should have been livid with him when he just stood there watching me. Don't get me wrong I was, but then I turned to look at him; leaning there against the gazebo he walked out and stood before me bathed in the moonlight, every feature accentuated, from his nonchalant posture, to his effortless gait. My God he was like a Greek god brought to life before me. He was/is everything you could possibly want in a man; tall; broad shouldered; fair sun kissed hair; aqua green eyes brimming with cockiness' and a smile full of confidence bordering on arrogance. I didn't know whether to kiss him or slap him. Given all the provoking he did, I really just wanted to slap him and then kiss the boo boo's away.

Now let's be serious it would be a grave mistake to start anything with anyone while I'm here. It would cause unnecessary heartache for all parties involved, when I eventually left. So we can play, flirt and tease, as long as there is no emotionally involvement I think it is safe. Because I 'm no angel and I need something or someone to... well...occupy my time while I am here and he is definitely just what the doctor ordered.

Ok now I am off to sleep, I can't wait to dream.

Till morrow!!!

Just as she is about to snuggle into bed for a sweet night's dream there is an unexpected knock at the door.

'Who ever could that be? Maybe it's Nicki. Oh you are horrible; get your mind out of the gutter.'

The knocking is getting more persistent, "Hold your horses I'm coming."

Nina gets up, wraps herself in a dressing robe; checks herself in the mirror running her fingers through her hair just in case.

Opening the door she sees Kristine standing before her with a pained look on her face.


"I have come here to apologize for my actions earlier today. I hope that you can forgive me and we can have a fresh start."

"Well I can honestly say that I am shocked that you came. I will accept your apology only because I do not want to be the cause of you losing your position here. Though I pray that you will heed this as a warning and change your ways."

"Yes madam, you are most magnanimous."

With that she turns and leaves. Watching her walk away Nina thinks to herself 'Let's see how long this lasts. I trust her only as far as I could throw her.'

Nina closes the door and snuggles back into bed.

Waking Nina gets ready, dons her last gown and hurries down the stairs with a surprising spring in her step.

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