The Cutore Hotel

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Ashley and Steve
"Hey Ash what are you doing this weekend," inquired Steve to Ashley. "Nothing, really, you?" replied Ashley. " was th-thinking.....that w-would like to h-hang out on Saturday....maybe to....w-well to watch a movie or something." Steve said nervously. Ashley smiled. She thought it was so sweet that a guy like Steve would be nervous to ask her out. No boy has ever done that. "Sure, I liked that idea...." she said smiling. Aw, she looks so cute when she smile, it always makes me happy thought Steve when he looked at Ashley. She was his love interest and he was hers. People always ask, "is he your boyfriend?" "is she your girlfriend?" "wow Ash you are on the roll." "Steve woah you lucky got a hottie." They were the most compatible couple ever even though they aren't dating. "So....w-we should...just...get going then to our friends," Ash giggled nervously. " go" replied Steve and they went to their friends.

Saturday finally came and Ashley was getting ready to go on her date with Steve. She has gone to many dates with other boys before and yet, with Steve, her best friend, she felt really nervous. She was trying to find the perfect outfit to wear and yet nothing seems to be the right one....when she finally found a perfect bright green blouse with some beautiful blue jeans on, she put lipstick and put some black leathered boots and waited for Steve. When Steve arrived he came running towards the door. He had a bouquet of flowers for his date and a newspaper he was reading. He had a surprised look on his face. When he rang the doorbell, he read a page in the article thats called, "The Haunted Cutore Hotel." He started said, On October 23, 2015, at 11:30 pm, a group of ghost hunters discovered that the old abandoned hotel, the Cutore Hotel, founded by our very own ex-mayor, Thomas Cutore Freemen, that there might be the ghost and spirit of Thomas. The group of these ghost hunters had heard a strange sound near the hotel. According to them, it was saying, "I want revenge....whos there..... I want revenge....come my murderer get in here....I know you're here somewhere...." They were amused by that noise. They decided to take a peek inside. When they went inside, they were astonished at what they saw! They saw a weird black shadow of a man. What is this strange shadow? Is it a ghost or is it a prank? No one may never know unless there are some brave adventurers who are interested with paranormal activities. - New York Times. Published on October 26, 2015. 9:30am.

After Steve finished reading the article, Ashley came outside. She said, "Hey Steve" Steve looked up. He stared at Ashley. "Ash, you," Steve said blushing. Ashley laughed, "You do too" She blushed as well. "What are you reading?" She asked motioning her head towards the newspaper. "Well, I found this awesome article about a place and I think our 'group' should go and check it out...Have you ever heard about the 'Cutore Hotel'?" Steve replied. Ashley thought for a while then said, " Oh yes! Its a hotel that was founded by our very own kind mayor Thomas Cutore Freemen. He was murdered in that very hotel. And ever since his death, people vowed to never go in that hotel ever again. Why you ask?" Steve said," I think we have ourselves a new adventure coming on" He smiled and so did Ashley. "Well, m'lady I believe I owe you a special dinner date" Steve said laughing. Ashley smiled and they both went out to eat happily holding hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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