The way they love her

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(I'm like sitting her with a goddess girls book and a Harry Potter book.;3)

*Kirs' P.O.V*

I was walking down the hall with Harry, Ron, and my new friend lavender. She talks to much.... The demigods don't have to ware the uniforms, that even setup special classes for us! All of a sudden. Ron stopped walking. "What's wrong, Ron?" I asked. "Nothing... I'll catch you later." Then he walked around another hall. "That was wired..." Harry said I nodded. It was the second week of school. All the boys were falling for me... But I hade my eye on one cutie, but he ignores me...

When we got to magical creatures and how to take care of them, my eyes landed on shema, she was the daughter of Athena. She was going to ace this. I sat next to her, and she stared talking, like fucking usual... "Did you know that a god and a wizard daughter can have magic?" She asked. "No, I didn't..." I said. I never met my father. I lived in camp half blood my whole life... My mother visited, every other day... I miss her. Then a big man came up to the front of the class room. "Hello! I'm hagrid, today you'll be seeing a real beauty. Her names buckbeat." Then a hipagriff came out of the shadows... Everyone backed up, but I stayed still. I walk up to her and bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, buckbeat." She returned the bow. I smiled and started petting her head. "I think she wants you to ride her!"said hagrid. I hopped on her back just below the wings. I raped my arms around her neck. And she took of. It was like riding on air. She rode over the lake. She put her wing tips and her toes in the water. The she landed back next to hagrid. Before I could get of of her back, a kid with really light blond hair started walking to the hipagriff. She started to buck me off. Them the kid got scratched and I fell of her back. I hit the ground with a thud. "Kirs!" Some one screamed. Then I felt hagrid pick me up. I couldn't move, all I could do was hear, and see. I saw a baby blue sky, and I heard someone saying "ow, ow, ow,!" Then hagrid said. "Quite you whining! You injured a student!" "I injured a student! I'm the one how's injured! My father will hear about this!" The boy said. "Hagrid!" I heard two new voices. 'Ron and Harry' I thought. "Is she ok?" I heard Ron ask. "She's fine, just in shock. She'll be better by tomorrow." Hagrid said. Then I saw the castle entrance over head. I tried to open my mouth, but it didn't move. I tried blinking, nothing. All I could do was breath and see what was in front of me. I tried to move my eyes, nothing. 'UGH!' I thought. 'WHY CANT I OPen my mouth...' Then everything went black.

Harry's P.O.V

"Hagrid!" I said as her eyelids started to drop. He looked down. The look on his face was scaring me. "Is she ok?!?" I saw slightly annoyed. Malfoy has done it this time! Not only did he injured my friend, he also injured my crush... Well, everyone had a crush on her, except Seamus. He ignored her.

------time skip-------

I was holding her hand. She was unconscious on a hospital bed. It had been two days after the incident. Malfoy was all better, not like I cared. Buckbeat was going to get killed.She loved buckbeat. That let her visit her. (That let buckbeat visit kirs) malfoy made the decision that half blood is worse then a mudblood. He said that a god or goddess shouldn't have had kids with humans. 'It just contaminates the blood lines.' As he says. No one believes him.

Then Ron walked in. "Man, you've been here for two days. We're all worried. Come on, dude. Hagrid wants to see us..." I just ignored him. I miss looking into her beautiful bright pink eyes. I love the way her rainbow hair flows in the wind. I love the way her smile brightens up the whole room. It hurts me to see her this way.

At that moment I realized something... I'm in love with my best friend...

"Dude, we have to go." Ron said again. I stood, let go of her hand, and went with Ron to see what hagrid wanted.

Seamus P.O.V.

I saw Harry left her in the hospital wing. Good. I walked in, and saw a stack of gifts at the end of her bed. I sat on a chair next to her bed. I took her hand, and held it between my hands. I know everything loves her. I don't know if she'll even talk to me. "Ugh." I looked down and saw she was waking up. "Hay..." I said. Kirs looked up at me. "Hay, your that finnigin guy, right?" She said. "Ya, why?" I asked. She smiled. She grabbed my tie and polled my closer. Then....

She kissed me.

Hay shadow here! I hope you liked this, if you did please like comment and don't forget to see my channel! I'll see you all later! 889 words!

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