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Naomi's POV

The next morning I woke up nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and started to throw up. Tyler ran in behind me an rubbed my back and held my hair out of my face. "It's ok Naomi, I'm here." Tyler said trying to comfort me. "I sat up on my knees as Tyler handed me a wet cloth to wipe my mouth. "Tyler, I don't feel sick. Why is this happening?" Tyler sat there shocked. "What's wrong?" I asked. "We are going to have a family together!" Tyler shouted giving me a tight hug.

We called my parents and told them the good news. They were so excited to become grandparents.

A few months have passed since we found out about becoming parents. We are heading down to the hospital right now to find out how the baby is doing and to hopefully find out the gender.

We arrived to the hospital and they took us back after a few minutes. I had to lay down on the bed while the nurse rubbed cold goo onto my stomach so they could do the ultrasound. After a while the doctor came into the room and introduced himself. Tyler gave him a death glare, but I ignored that. the doctor set everything up that was needed, then he took this microscope thing and layed it on my stomach to start the ultrasound. as the doctor moved the microscope thing around on my stomach, me and Tyler looked at the screen in front of me that showed are little baby. it was so small and looked like an alien. the doctor then took the microscope thing off my stomach and turned the screen off. "would you like to know the gender of your baby, or would you rather wait?" the doctor asked us. i looked at Tyler and he nodded, "w-we would like to know the gender." i said. the doctor smiled and said, "its a girl!" a smiled pulled its way onto my face as i looked over at Tyler who was also smiling. "i have lots of things i'm going to teacher when shes older." Tyler said in his little daydream.

a few more months have passed and Tyler has been going crazy spoiling the baby with all kinds of new furniture and toys, even though the kid is still not born yet. Tyler even repainted the baby's bedroom to be a light shade of pink. we both even came up with a beautiful name for her, Adeline.

It's been 9 months already! And the baby is due any day now! I'm soooo super excited! Tyler has the baby's room all set up and it is truly beautiful. I bought some stencils off of Amazon that spelled out Adeline's name and we painted it on the wall behind her crib. Most of her room is pink and has unicorns and other stuffed animals around her room. Tyler even went ahead and bought a switch blade for Adeline for when she is older and in love. We think there's a great chance she will turn out like us. We plan to keep our killing a secret from her, just in case she has a different personality, but if we find out she is in love and has jealous feelings, then we will tell her about our killing and Tyler will give her the switch blade. As simple as that.

Tyler's POV

I was sitting in the living room watching tv until i heard Naomi call for me. I walked into the kitchen and saw her water had broken. My heart started to race as I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the car to take her to the hospital. When we got there a nurse came out and had Naomi sit in a wheel chair till we could get her to a room. They gave us a private room and I helped Naomi into the bed. The baby wasn't quite ready yet so me and Naomi just sat around and watched tv. I held her hand knowing she was probably in pain. The nurse came back an hour later and saw Naomi was ready to have the baby.

I held Naomi's hand through the process of the birthing to help comfort her as much as I could, and after 5 minutes we had a beautiful baby girl. When the nurse handed her to Naomi I swear I could have cried of happiness. Adeline was just so beautiful. I knew right then and there that I was going to spoil her. She looked just has cute as her mommy. I sat down on the bed with with Naomi and Adeline and put my arm around them and kissed Naomi on the forehead. "We finally have a family. I can't believe how lucky I am to have married my high school sweetheart and even have a beautiful little princess with her." Naomi smiled as tears fell from her eyes, "I love you Tyler." She said hugging me and Adeline tightly. "I love you too Naomi." I said hugging her and Adeline back.

That was the last chapter to yandere boy! There will be a sequel so don't worry. I hope you enjoyed and sorry if it was a little to rushed.❤️❤️😘😘

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