What happens next!

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Please don't play the song till you get to the end of the paragraph were there is a line separating to paragraphs! Thank you!

Tyler's POV

The next day when we went to school I walked into homeroom and everyone was reminiscing about something and a few people were on the verge of tears. I took my seat not really knowing what was going on around me. The teacher walked in and stood in front of the class for an announcement.

"As some of you may already know that Zachary has died yesterday at some point. What know one has known about yet was that Zachary was actually stabbed in the neck. We don't have the evidence to prove if anyone in this school has murdered him or not, but if any of you did we will find out soon enough and there will be huge consequences for them awaiting. As for now everyone is getting out of school early so we can start investigations today. You may all excused." The teacher announced as she left the classroom to go talk to the other teachers.

I walked out of class and over to my locker to grab my things. I guess I can't murder Nate today like I planned, but if I do murder him I should do it outside of school. Just then I got a text. I looked at my phone and saw it was from Samantha. "You can't kill Nate yet. There are more people who need to be taken care of before you can go after him." How did Samantha know I was planning to kill Nate, and why can't I kill him yet?

I texted Samantha back asking, "why can't I kill Nate yet, and how did you know I was thinking about killing him?"

"You can't kill Nate yet because if you did and you managed to get Naomi to be yours, people may become suspicious about all the random acts of murder and may be able to trace all the murders back to you. Also if you are as good as a stalker as me, you would be able to read minds too!"

"Ok thx for the tip. Gtg bye."

"Bye Tyler."

I put my phone in my pocket and walked out of the school and into the town. I walked down the sidewalk to the convenience to pick up some snacks When I caught a familiar figure out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw Naomi and Nate hand in hand walking to the cafe that had just opened recently. I ran over to the window of the cafe a looked through to see Naomi and Nate walking in my direction. I hurried and ran behind the tree that was closest to me and the window were Naomi and Nate were.

I watched them as they sat there talking and laughing. It pissed me off! That should be me not fucking Nate.

You can play the song now😊

I followed Naomi and Nate around all day. It's almost dark I should start heading home anyways. I started walking home when I heard a scream. I ran towards the sound of the scream and it lead me to an alley way.


I ran into the alley and saw something I never wanted to see. Two guys were pinning Naomi down on the ground and another guy sat straddling her and trying to pull up her blouse.

"Shut up you bitch! We're trying to have some fun!"


I snapped and grabbed the first weapon I felt in my book bag. I pulled the axe out of my bag and ran towards the guy that was on top of Naomi and used the axe to slice his head off. I ran over to the next guy and kicked him in the stomach as hard as I could till he fell to the ground. I took my axe and slammed the blade over and over again into his heart. I then ran over and dos the same to the other guy.

Naomi stared at me with fright in her eyes as blood rained down on both of us. I walked over to Naomi to help her up until she stood up and ran as fast as she could till her legs gave out on her and she fell onto her knees and started to cry. I ran over to her and picked her up bridle style. She looked up at me with blood all over her face and tears coming out of her eyes. I smiled at her and carried her to my house. I walked up the stairs to my room and layed her onto my bed.
"Your ok now Naomi, those guys will never hurt you again." I said as a smirk stared to form on my face. Naomi stared at me with fear forming on her face. I stared to unbutton her uniform and pull it off of her. I then picked her up and brought her to the bathtub and turned the water on and waited till it was nice and warm. Then I helped Naomi in and I grabbed the body wash, then shampoo and conditioner and sat them next to her.

"Do you need help bathing, or are you ok?" I asked her

"I c-can do it m-myself thank you."

"Ok, I will leave some clothes on the bed for when your done."

"Ok thank you."

With that I left to go to the kitchen to grab some snacks and drinks. When I got back to my room i sat the snacks and drinks on the bedside table and sat on my bed waiting for Naomi to come out. I was going to protect her and never leave her out of my sight again.

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