The date

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Maddie POV

I couldn't believe he liked my
paintings I was so happy he did and the weird thing is I think I'm starting to get feelings for him I know Ive only known him for a day but still

We both walked down stairs he was so close to my back my heart started to beat faster and faster all I wanted to do was jump his bones,i walked to the font door and slowly opened it

"Thanks for coming"i said with a big smile

"No,thanks for showing me your paintings and it was very nice meeting you Maddie"he said walking out the door but he turned around so he was facing me

I have to say this and only this I think I'm going to have to stay away from Ian cause I can't fall in love with him

"It was nice to meet you Ian"i said looking in his dreamy eyes

''You know I would love to have your cell phone number"he said

"Oh yea of course you can"i said then giving him my phone number part of me knew I shouldn't but I did

But what if he wants to see you again don't do it don't give it to him your being stupid you can't give it to him do not give your number to him my brain tells me

But being me I just act like ever thing is fine god I am stupid I thought

"Then you can just text me and then I w-"I was cut off by my phone buzzing

I look down at my phone and it said new massage I looked at the new massage it said"its Ian"i smiled and looked back up and see Ian wasn't there

I then closed the door and looked back at my phone and started to text Ian

"You left me"i typed

"I'm sorry I had to go"he sent back

"Ok fine :/"I sent

I walked up to my bedroom and leaded down on my bed then rested my head on the pillow and started to text him again

"I'm getting tired so gtg bye"i sent

"Ok talk to you tomorrow bye"he sent back

I put my phone at my head table got up put my pjs on climbed in bed and then closed my eyes

When I woke up I looked at my phone it was 11:00 am and I noticed I got a text from Ian

"Hey I just wanted to say morning"the text said

He was so sweet how can a man be so nice and caring

"Morning how r u"i sent

"Good you"he sent

"I'm great" I sent

I missed him alot all ready and I couldn't wait to see him again

"So when am I going to see you again ;)"I sent with a smile

"I don't know want to go out to lunch tomorrow ;)"he sent

"I would love to "i sent

Oh my god he just asked me out wait I can't like him he's way older then me I would be breaking the law...we would be breaking the law I can't do this it's not right

"Ok good I will pick you up tomorrow then"he said

"Oh wait I can't I'm so sorry:("I sent back

"Ok how bout tonight then for dinner"he sent

Oh god I can't just say no again it would be to mean why can't I just be a mean person why do I have to be a nice person god I'm going to hate myself after this I just know it

"Sure I would like that <3"i sent

Wait did I just send a heart oh no now he's going to think I like him well it's not like I don't I just didn't want him to know I do wow I'm acting like a little girl

"I'm glad <3"he sent back

Oh my god he sent it back he sent it back that means he likes me oh my god he likes me,I put the phone to my chest and breathed in

I'm so in trouble I thought to myself as I fall asleep


Thanks guys

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