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I'd forgotten that this day would come eventually. Whenever Fawn's got free time, she's got her nose buried in an econ book, just like me. So I think it slipped her mind too.

"Fresher's party?!" As expected!
"Mmhmm..." I nodded... , "Okiku told me she's taking me_ along with a bunch her friends who I hate with all my guts."
"Ugh! Screw me!" She threw her hands up in frustration, "But I ain't going!"
"I didn't want to go either, so I sorta ran away from home," I explained fidgeting my fingers, "Okiku doesn't know yet..."
"She might be worried sick..." She said knowingly, "Do you have any plans to tell her?" She pointed to the phone in my hand.
"Battery's dead."
"That's okay, use mine!" She held out her rose gold S7, unlocking it.
"She ran after me with a mini sequin dress!" I whined, "It was pink! She was going to make me wear that va-jay-jay colored piece of crap!"

I expected her to narrow her eyes at me and start punching my sister's number into the phone's keypad.
"Look, I don't want to go either. So you can hide here for as long as you want. The rest depends on whether Okiku comes looking for you." she said, exasperated.
"Yay!" I squealed but my excitement died down when my gaze fell on the fat-ass econ book Fawn was clutching.
"Really? Fawn_ Its a Saturday!" I chastised, taking it out of her grip and dumping it on her bed side table, "I did not know you could be so overambitious!"
"What else do I do?"
She reached back for her book but stopped when I replied, "Well, you ought to be watching soap and binging on twinkies. Or get on Facebook or MySpace or whatever. Okiku is always tapping away at her phone when she's free."
"I don't have friends." Her tone was flat.
But I knew how she would've felt, because I've been there once.
"No Fawn. Your wrong!" I quirked an eyebrow, "We're all your friends_ Okiku, Owen, Carter and then there's me. We've got your back!"
"That's something!" A small smile made its way across her face, "Soap sounds fun but twinkies are off limits by Vidia."

"Elder sisters!" I stated.
"Tell me about it!" We let out a long sigh, giggling at the end.

☺☺☺☺☺☺ (Cher: I love these tiny smilies!)

"Did you hear that?" Fawn perked up, almost falling off the bean bag she was sitting on.
"What?" I managed as I clenched my aching stomach. We ended up watching Saturday Night Live and I just couldn't contain my laughter.
The storm was howling even louder and there wasn't anything else I could hear, but Fawn seemed worried, "Was it the doorbell?" She stood up and walked out of the room. I got up to follow her but changed my mind, considering the fact that it could be Okiku.
I was so caught up with my eyes glued on the TV screen, it took a good five seconds for me to realize I could hear footsteps approaching.

Sometimes, my size can turn to be pretty useful. Example? Now.

My reflexes sent me diving behind the couch.
I'll probably be forced into an uncomfortable pink dress some day. Its sort of inevitable with Okiku always hanging around. But please... Not today...
Sandwiched between the backrest and the spotless ivory wall, I tried to hold in the sneeze I felt was coming. I clamped my hands to my mouth and held my breath, trying to focus on the tiny details in the room that I wouldn't have paid attention to otherwise.

Like the pretty glass wind chime hanging by the window.

I think I hear them getting closer.... 

The hint of sweet cider in the air.
Or the pink orchids with their stems deep in the clear water of... a fish bowl?

Did the door just creek open?

"Guys... I am sure! Megan... She has not come here" I heard Fawn stutter. I really did expect her to be a better liar....
"I hear you." And that was Owen. I ducked lower and shut my eyes as soon as I got a little glance of him and Carter rummaging around.

Three minutes.... That's all it took. The feeling in my nose got worse and my chest felt like it would explode unless I let it go. I could feel all the blood rush up to my face as time moved slower than ever.

Fawn fumbled, "Heheh... See she really isn't here yet..." What?
"Yet?" Carter questioned, suddenly all movement stopped.
"What?! Did I say yet_ ugh! My tongue slips," She blurted, "A lot..."
"So... She isn't here after all. I guess we'll take our leave then." I heard their feet padding off against the carpet.

Oh that was a relief! I sighed; and that screwed everything up.
I felt my nose twitch and all at once I released a dozen little droplets shooting through the air.
How I wish I had taken an umbrella. I wish I'd checked for dust before I decided to hide.

I realized it made all the difference between me being able to escape and now with Okiku gripping my wrist, "Gotcha!"

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