The Signs As Jennifer Lawrence Quotes

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Aries: A bad word, that I can't say. That starts with f. 

Taurus: I can name a lot of things that taste better than skinny feels! Potatoes. Bread.

Gemini: My cat is peeing on my bed because she hates me.

Cancer: if anyone even whispers the word"diet", I'm like...go f*ck yourself.

Leo: *Holds up trophy* I can't eat this.

Virgo: I'm sorry that I hit your family, I thought I saw Honey Boo Boo.

Libra: I've never met Prince Harry, but we're dating.

Scorpio: Why can't I say anything normal? Same

Sagittarius: Don't worry about the b*tches.

Capricorn: I have the survival skills of a poodle.

Aquarius: "I like exercising." I want to punch people who say that.

Pisces: I have sleepovers with my parents, cause I'm cool.

Still love her

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