The Signs At Lunch

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Aries: Makes inside jokes and occasionally makes dirty comments, which make everyone laugh

Taurus: Chatting with Virgo

Gemini: Makes everything dirty and laughs with Leo, talks with Aries about inside jokes

Cancer: Making dirty jokes and chatting away

Leo: Constantly makes everything dirty with Gemini and Cancer and is always laughing

Virgo: In their own little world with Taurus for most of the time

Libra: Quietly observing from next to Virgo 

Scorpio:  Judging from afar and deep down wanting to join 

Sagittarius: Grumpily stabbing their food, and only pauses to laugh 

Capricorn: Is at another table with Scorpio silently judging everyone

Aquarius: Making fun of the lunch ladies

Pisces: Calmly eating and jumps in when necessary, sometimes playing fighting

*Based off my friends*

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