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" She was the strongest, intelligent, woman. Now, she's gone. Much too soon."

I heard my beloved Itami mutter those words, in his office. Looking over his shoulder, his computer shown a ' Facebook ' page.

There was an announcement of the ending of a musician's life, and one of a female ' WWE ' Athlete. As it turned out, Youji

admires her. " Who was this woman?", I asked. " She was known as Chyna. A beautiful muscular woman, who shattered barriers,

reset perceptions of women in Professional sports. She was a WWE Hall Of Famer, for her pioneering efforts in Pro Sports.",

he replied. " Heck, she won an event. most meant for men called, The Royal Rumble. And, she event won the Heavyweight Title.

Also, mostly won by men.", he replied. " She was remarkable.", I said, admiration somehow sneaking into my voice.

" * Chuckles * You could say, she was a female version of, Bruce Lee. A famous, male, martial artist. Just like Lee, Chyna

left us, too soon.", Itami replied. " It is, always a dark day, when those once part of life, is suddenly taken from us.", I said.

" Too true, too true." , he replied. " Anything I can do?", I asked. He smiled, laughed, and said, " I doubt there was anything you

could do. She was respected by a lot of people, but thanks anyway." I nodded, and left the office, Youji, his computer, and

his healing heart. I could not help think of how I would react, if I met such a woman. But, she was and always will be, in my

most humble opinion, THE BADDEST WOMAN.


THE BADDEST WOMAN Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum