Chapter 8 - Why Is Everything A Competition?

Start from the beginning

Aaron saw the opportune moment and popped unannounced out of his pokeball, then growled immediately at dad.

"Huh? Your Aron!... What's this?"

Aaron started pointing at the pot and shot me scornful glances.

"You couldn't mean that--? Oh, well it looks like I won't be the one competing against you now."

Aaron smiled and walked over to the other table. He started jumping up and down, but could not reach the top.

Ha, how can he cook if he can't get to the equipment... Wait, that's not the problem here. How can he possibly cook?! Am I seriously competing against my Aron?!

"I'll get a rock or something for you to use in a minute, little guy," said dad. "Now, your challenge is to make a dish out of the things in the surrounding area! You have until midday to complete it. I'll be sitting down here resti--I mean supervising. Go!"

How is this training in any way?! You just want to laze around and eat!

Aron didn't waste a moment, and immediately ran off into the woods.

Are you kidding me?! I ran off into the woods in the opposite direction. I knew there was a river nearby, so I was going to go catch a fish.

...Turns out I'm not too good at fishing. The sun was almost directly above me before I caught something that was big enough to cook. Shoot, if I don't get this prepared soon then Aaron might actually beat me! Gah, too humiliating, I've got to make sure that doesn't happen! I ran full speed towards the temporary kitchen with the fish and a few herbs that I picked up on the way. I hope he doesn't expect anything good from the resources that we were given.

When I got back I couldn't believe my eyes. Aaron had enlisted the help of some wild pokemon and was cooking what appeared to be a stew. I could see some Zigzagoon bringing in some wild radishes, and there were even a few berries laying around. That sneaky little--!

"Oh, so you're back Elron. Better hurry before you're out of time!"

Aaron looked at me with a malicious face. He looked like cross between a witch stirring a potion and a mastermind watching over his plan as it falls into action. I was actually struck with fear at the impressiveness of my opponent, but I wasn't done yet. I ran over and turned on a burner, then grabbed a skewer and stuck it through the fish. Now I regret not catching a Magikarp or something to eat so that Aaron would be traumatized.


Dad finished sampling the too meals. "Hm. There is a clear difference in the quality of the meals, even though one was made by a pokemon who was struggling to hold the ladle in his mouth."

Seriously?! I'm not sure I believe that he came so close to beating me.

"Yes, one meal was obviously better tasting, and that would be Aron's."

My jaw dropped and Aaron jumped up and down. I'm speechless... How?!

"However, taste is not the entire story. Elron spent over two hour simply fishing, while Aron, you had your fellow pokemon help you do the brunt work of getting the ingredients. This difference in effort is very noticeable to females and makes the meal mean a lot more to them. For that Elron wins this round."

Our reactions flipped. "See Aaron, you can't beat me in this race!"

The little steel skinned creature charged at me, but I sidestepped his attack.

Dad laughed. "What, you think that's all?! Time to make snacks, then dinner! Don't worry though, I'll give you each tips before sending you off."


In the end, I came out on top twice out of the three times. Aaron's system was just too efficient with gathering berries: the perfect simple snack. After a day running around gathering ingredients, cooking, testing the meals, and repeating until I got something right I was quite tired, so I headed home as soon as I was allowed.

Once I got home and made myself comfortable I made sure to call Flora up. I selected her name in my pokegear and held my wrist up to my ear. She answered almost immediately.


"Hey Flora, it's me. Did you challenge the gym leader today?"

"Oh hey Elron! No, not today. Today I practiced with other trainers in the area, but I think that I'll be ready to challenge it tomorrow! How has your day with your dad been?"

I probably shouldn't mention the purpose of what I did... "It was pretty good I guess. We... errr... fished and stuff."

"Typical guy stuff, huh? Well don't let me interrupt your time with him! I'll call you tomorrow. Good night."



"Time for step two: undivided attention." The dragon tamer stood in a powerful stance with his hands crossed. His two disciples looked at him wondering how in the world they were supposed to practice this. "Today, I will be filling in the place of Flora, so you must make me your top priority."

Seriously?! I want to go home...

Aaron turned around, to south-east to be exact, and started walking away.

Dad smiled as I stood there in utter confusion. "Hm. Looks like I have nothing to teach you for today. Aron wins!"

"Wait a minute, how?! We haven't even done anything yet!"

"Elron, where is Aron going?"

I considered for a second. "Back to the house?"

He bellowed out a hearty laugh. "No son, he's headed to Petalburg City, to Flora! You could learn a little bit from him. His attention was so focused on her that he wouldn't accept me in her place."

I never said I would either. "So... I lost? Now what?"

He laid down on the grassy terrain below. "I don't know, train with your pokemon or something. We can't go home until dinner. You know, make your mom think we're out bonding."

I did a mental facepalm. Such a lame excuse for a dad. Was I seriously sad that he never came home? I sighed. "Well Bagel, guess we're training today. Aaron, get back here."


It was maybe two or three in the afternoon when my phone rang. I picked up.

"Elron!..." On the other end was Flora. She was sobbing and struggling to speak. "I lost. I lost completely!" There was more crying.

She needs some comfort, and where am I right now?! I need to get over there, right away! "It's okay, I'll be right there!"

"It's not okay... Even after all this time I'm still a failure..."

"No! You're not! Just... stay where you are and I'll find you!"

There was some sniffling, then silence, then came an "okay," followed by the click signifying the end of the call. I ran to dad.

"Dad, I need you to fly me to Petalburg!"

"What for?" He was still lazing around on the grass.

"Flora lost, and she needs someone right now!"

He stood up. "I see. Very well. Salamence, come out." The huge dragon apparated. "What are you waiting for? Get on!"

We didn't waste another moment, and we flew right then and there to Petalburg. He dropped me off, and I ran around town trying to find out where Flora was.


"I guess the training was a failure," said dad to mom that night. "I didn't have anything to teach him in the first place."

"Oh don't say that, I'm sure you had more of an effect than you think. You didn't tell him that I knew what you guys were doing right?"

"Yeah, he still thinks that stuff was his crazy father's ideas. As if I understood women!" He laughed, and she was not impressed.

She sighed. "You really are clueless dear... I hope our son doesn't turn out like you."

That shut him up.

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