Chapter 7 Home Safe

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Me Seto and all the gaurds have been looking for Ty for hours now. I start to walk all the way around the castle with Anthony when I hear whails of pain and pitiful muffled crys for help from behind a allyway. I take a peek around the corner and am absolutely shocked with what I see.
In the ally was Ty. But he had this hands chained above him, his legs spread wide so everything was visable. A white liquid driping down his face that I relize is cum and a gag in his mouth, and a blindfold taking his sight. A dildo inside him, and blue spray paint all around and on him with things like 'property of squids' and 'fuck me' but the one that scared me was 'think of this as a warning we'll come back with even more toys' in bright yellow letters.
Anthony comes rushing to catch up with me. I freak out and quickly cover his eyes. I don't want him to see this.

"Anthony, I don't want you to see this. Turn around and cover your eyes until I say so." I say. He does what he's told and I rush over to Ty and snap the chains and take everything else. He falls to the ground. I take off my shirt and wrap it around him. He's so tiny its like a dress on him. I pick him up. He's surprisingly lighter than Anthony.

"Okey Anthony. You can come over now." I say and he turns around and gasps.

"You found him! You found him!" He chants happily. "Wait what's the white stuff on his face? And why are you shirtless?" He questions with a tilted head. Me and Ty panic as we scrap our minds for an answer.

"I-its umm... Milk! Yeah, milk!" Ty says weakly still sore. Anthony gets his happy face back.

"Ok! Come on! We need to get you to the King and Queen!" He jumps. I laugh at his eagerness. Ty weakly giggles and then coughs. Poor Ty.

~time skip to the castle~

"Ty my darling!" The Queen squeels in delight. "Thank Gods your okey!"

"Hello mother." Ty weakly chokes out. I rub his back.

"I will bring him to his room. Your highness, I will explain what I saw and when the prince is feeling better he can tell us what happened." I say bowing.

"Thank you dear." The Queen coos. I nod and head up the stairs. I open the door and lay Ty on the bed with Anthony soon after. I dress him up in his nightwear.

"How can I ever thank you Sky?" He says. I pet his head.

"You don't have to thank me your highness." I say blushing a little. He giggles weakly.

"Please don't call me that. Call me Ty." He tells me. I nod. He lifts his head and kisses my cheek and my whole head goes cherry red. I hear Anthony giggle. "Who is this little one?" Ty asks petting his long blond hair.

"This is Anthony. He is my son." I say picking him up and in to the bed. "Say hi Anthony."

"Hello Ty! Is Ty going to be my other daddy Sky?" He sqeels. My face goes red again and Ty giggles.

"We'll see what happens Sweetheart." He says looking up at me and smiling. I smile back. That smile he has. Its my biggest weakness.

"Yeah. Ty has a lot of people who would do crazy things for him." I say remembering the growls I got when I got here from a man in a suit with blue and orange hair, and a man with a flannal, and even a man with sharp teeth, a tail and even claws.

"Never understood why though." He mumbles looking out the window. I get on the bed and pull him on my lap.

"Because your beautiful, and sweet, and so many other amazing things." I say as we get closer. I grab a book from his night stand and put it up so Anthony won't see us. I then attack his lips and he kisses back. I lick his bottom lip and he opens his mouth but before I could stick my tongue in, the Queen comes in and squeels.

"Ty my darling! Did you finally find someone?" She gushes. Ty nods and kisses my cheek. "Why, that's wonderful! I hope to you the best." She says and closes the door. Anthony makes the cutest noise and hugs Ty tightly.

"I have a general and a prince as my daddies! This is so cool!" He squeaks. I blush and hug him. He hugs back as I pick him up.

"I'm so sorry Ty, but I have to go. Do you want me to send Seto?" I offer. He shakes his head.

"I need some rest. Thank you though. For everything." He smiles. I smile back.

"I kinda like just you and me you know..." Anthony says with his head down low. I kiss his forehead.

"Don't worry kiddo. Ty will always be at the castle doing prince things! We will have a lot of time just you and me. Trust me. And if you think I'm spending too much time with Ty, just tell me and we will do some stuff together. Okey?" I smile at him. He smiles back and snuggles into me. I hear faint breathing and realize he fell asleep. I chuckle and walk fast home.
I open the door and close it behind me. I lay him one my bed and lay down next to him wrapping my arms around him protectively. I soon drift asleep.


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