Chapter 2 Family Talk

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I was reading mail from my friends when I heard my mother calling me from the throne room.

"Tyler sweetie! Come down and meet Sky!" She called with her voice sweet as honey.

"Coming mother!" I chirped. I grabbed my headphones and put them around my neck. I remember my brother giving me them. I feel a tear come and then more. Oh how much I miss him. He was so nice. I was not going to let then get to his grave. Not now, not ever.

"Deary? You okey darling?" She calls again.

"I-I'm o-o-ok m-mother!" I scratch out. But I'm not. If something is going to effect me for more then 20 years, its not ok at all.
I speed down the hall and into the throne room trying my hardest to cover up the fact that I'm crying. It doesn't work though. They gasp at the sight of me. They get out of their thrones and run over to me. My father picks me up and crattles me.
For some reason, he's huge and my mother is an normal size but I am tiny. Like, really tiny. 4'3 to be exact. And I'm thin as a twig. Him crattling me starts to help me stop the flow of tears.

"Shhh Tyler, shhh. Now tell me what happened." He says wiping away the tears with his thomb.

"I-I thought about Edward again..." I hiccup starting to cry when I said 'Edward'. I saw the man in the room change his expression from confused to worry.

I felt bad. Awful actually. The poor boy was shaking with sadness. And he was crying so much that he was whaling out. He couldn't even finish his sentences. The king took of his robe and swung it around Tyler. He snuggled into it and the King stood up.

"I am sorry. I will comfort my son. Genna? Please explain to Sky the basics of the plan." He says walking up the stairs with the crying boy. The Queen sat down and did as was told.

As my father carried me back to my room, I started to stop crying. I've always been a crybaby. He set me on the bed and lay me down. He lay down next to me.

"I know you miss him. Still surprised actually. Its been 20 years and you still cry when you think about him. Now that's love." He smiles and rubs circles on my back. I did love him. So much that if I had to do something crazy just to spend more time with him, I would. "Trust me, I miss him too. I remember the look on your face when you found out. You said nothing. You burst into tears and ran to your room where you didn't exit out of for 8 years. You were only 4 at the time. I missed you just as much as your brother for those 8 years. I can't lose you too Tyler. Edward was enough to make me think about *ahem* cutting my string." I sigh.
I remember those 8 years too. I would cry all day and all night. And I would look out the window and see the tree he was buryed under. The one he cared about so much. The one he would whisper to. I saw him be buryed. The limp body being slowly and gently set into the earth in a jewel coffin. I would cut in those 8 years. Tear my skin. I did it for Edward.

"I miss him too much to let go." I said. "He ment too much to me."

"I know Tyler. I know. But he's gone now. And I remember when you did finally come out of your room, your mother and I were so happy. We threw a ball in your honor. We missed you. All you said to us was 'go away' and 'I'm not coming out'." He said getting up. Talking about it made me feel better about it somehow.

"Now, I'm going to go downstairs to help defend the kingdom. Your spell is slowly casting away son. I don't think you can hold it up much longer." He says. I sigh. He's right. It was slowly chipping away. I felt weak all the time from doing it 24/7.
Right now, I don't know what to do. There are at least 3 gangs after me for... Um... Personal reasons, my spell chipping away, and the war! Wait... Oh my gods! I need to get to Setos! I didn't protect that part of the forest! But first, I'll say hi to Sky.

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