Dear EXO Part 8

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Wednesday April 20, 2016 23:11

Dear EXO,

As time passes by, I become more and more excited to try and work abroad. My sister's friend once asked me if I want to work on Hongkong as a domestic helper. This is my chance right? This could really mean the reality of my hopes and dreams. Right now, I really  want to start preparing all the documents I need. But first, I need to see a doctor. I have this wart-like pimple on my left face near my lips. It doesn't really bother me before but it tends to grow its size, I remember it was unnoticeable. But right now, if ever you would see me for a second then I will ask you what  do you remember about me, I am very sure it's this wart you will say. Gross!
Anyway, I already got a schedule to remove this. This Saturday. I am nervous.


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