April 22, 2016

24 1 0

Dear me,

The school year is almost over. The school year... is almost over. It has been a year since I started this journal, a year since I was wondering how to keep you up to date page by page. A year since heartache and anxiety over high school and a year since I first asked for your help.

On April 22, 2015, I asked you about high school. Is it fun? Is it hard? How about dance class? I said that eight years was plenty of time to sit in that place, and I was right. But I don't think that four years will be enough for me to be ready for college. I'm not sure if my freshman year ending this quickly was a blessing or a curse.

What I do know is a blessing is my array of amazing friends. I know that for the things that I've done just since 2016 started, I'm pretty proud of myself. I remember that I promised that 2016 would be my year, and I hope that you can guarantee me that.

As it would be expected, I might as well ask you some things. Hopefully this book will still be around in another year - I enjoy writing to you, honestly.

First and foremost, how is dance company? Right now, I'm scared out of my wits. Our dance performance was last night and dance 1 did great, but dance company's dances... I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull them off next year. But I'm excited, too. Dancing under the lights with washed out faces in an audience in front of me and music pumping through the floor - it all reminded me how much I really miss my classes at AAD. I miss the proper aspect of it all, the nice feeling after a good workout. That's what I'm hoping for with company. That, and some cute costumes. 

I'm also wondering how sophomore year goes. My class load, again, is probably more than I can handle. But I'll manage... right?

And my driver's license, of course, will also be looming. I'm really hoping you can assure me I make it on the first try.

Anyway, friends are getting here as I sit in the cafeteria. I suppose I can't be antisocial forever.

Signing off,

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