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"Well... How am I lookin' ??Lucy?? " you said while looking at yourself in the mirror. You are dressing up for the date with Gray. You and Gray are dating from the last year. You wore your favourite gown with your hair in curl with locks fell from the sides. A pearl necklace which was given by Gray and a pair of shoes. And ear rings of course...

Lucy said " You're looking so beautiful. I bet Gray will not be able to take his eyes off you" and she giggles. You blushed. Lucy looked at the clock and read it's time to leave. It was 5:55 pm and the date was at 6 pm. She said "You better get going or else... You'll be late." You nodded, took your purse and walked over to the door , unknobing it and then went outside. Your heart was fluttering.Butterlfites hovering over your stomach. You thought 'Why am I so nervous ?? Calm down (y/n) = {Your name}"

Youtrailed down from the fountain to the bank of the river,looking for him. He said that he will be waiting for you near the bank of the river but he hasn't shown up so you decided to look for him. You began to walk, looking her and there. Passing from a narrow passage, your sight was caught by a shadow. And you knew that who's shadow will be so you enter the passage. You said "Hey. Gray what are you doi-" you were cut off from the sight .

You saw Gray kissing a girl. Your purse fell from your hand into the ground and your heart shattered into pieces.Gray pulled away and said "What do you need??" You "what do you mean by need ??" "You love me don't you ??" Gray "Love ?? When did I do it to you ??" And made a disgust look. Tears began to buil d up in your eyes while the girl was just looking at you with a smirk.You said "U used me.But why and who's this girl ?" Gray said " Yeah I did so. And I'm doing something with MY love that is Juvia". You " Sure. Do what you want" and then you went out the passage,crying.

After a while, Gray and the girl both left too. You turned to a turn just to see Gray carrying her up in bridal style. You cried even more.

*Becauz you and Gray are neighbours*

You quickly went to the door but before entering you wipped your tears and faked a fake smile. And then you entered just saying "I'm home mom." Your mom said "Okaeri (y/n). But your date finsiehd quickly " Your heart aches and then said while controlling your voice not to shake and all "yeah." And then you went to the room and shut the door up. Then went to the bathroom, closed it tight and untapped the tap. Just to not listen tour cries by anyone. But your mom sure doubted something was wrong. As she was the lady who gave you birth.

~Time skip... After an hour~

You went out from the bathroom. Your dress soaked in water, dripping. You went to your wardrobe and fetched your clothes but two shadows caught your eyes. You went to your window pane and what u saw,it felt like you are nothing now. But what did u see ?. U saw shadows of Gray and Juvia found sex. Your heart started to ache more and u clawed your dress and bite your lower lips. Suddenly your mom called out "(y/n) Dinner's ready." You "*gulp* Coming Mom." And you went to have a dinner.

The dinner was kinda silent but your mom broke it out by saying "What happened between you two ?" U popped out your head and was in verge of cry but took a deep breathe and said What happens lately. Your mom said "U love him from your bottom of your heart,don't you ?" U just nodded.Mom " Then why are u crying ?? You should be happy because he is happy. Love is not the feeling like that. It makes one happy if one see his/her love is happy." U thought for a minute and said "Thanks mom" your mom said and smiled "Mention not" and said "I don't want you to bear what I did" u nodded and washed your mouth and went to your bedroom. Suddenly your phone ranged and u took it saying "Hello?" Lucy " Im Lucy... What happened with Gray?" She asked in a worried tone. U said " Then u heard that?" Lucy"Yeah. I called out Gray and he said he never loved u ??I was so worried and not.May I come your home?" U "No. Thanks . I want to be alone now. And I m happy becauz he is happy." Lucy said in a soft tone like she was in verge of cry "(y/n)... And u hanged off the phone. U again looked at the window and saw them they were still doing something but not sex... U smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~chap 1 finished~~~~~~~~

A/N : Hi. There guys. Hope you enjoyed it as I did while writing it. But sorry for this chapter as it's too sad one. Bye. Don't forget to COMMENT , LIKE OR VOTE

~bye Love Blood_Pain_Death~

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