Story #1

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So this is my first story! I hope you like it's kinda horror so if you don't like it then skip to the next story. If this story gets enough votes I might right write a book about it.

Oh crap, she's going to find me, then I am a goner. Maggie was hiding in a pocketing under the old houses floorboards, hiding for her life.

About one month ago her parents died in a car crash, while she was at a dance practice. One of her only living relatives left was her 'Great uncle Lewis, and Great aunt Marie'.

"Come out, Come out, Maggie. We're not going to hurt you." Yet.

Her so called 'family' are cannibals.  They treated her nicely for awhile, feeding her lots, giving her a bunch of nice clothes, and trying to make her feel comfortable. But she was so wrong. The soul reason they took her in to have another body for their meat locker. But she has managed to escape but just barely.
Now, she's been in the attic for about one week, thin and on the brink of death with but a couple mice for company. Starving, Maggie slinks downstairs to take a piece of bread or two.

As her Aunt Marie walked up into the attic, which is a huge relief. Maggie slow let opens the floorboard to see that the hallway is empty. Quickly she puts the floorboard back and hues behind some furniture. Quietly and quietly she ran down the creaky steps into the old gross kitchen.

"Aw darn Marie you lost it!"

Maggie froze mid step down the stairs. Her uncle Lewis is down there looking for her on the main floor.

"Where can we find a puppy for Lillian now?" Snore.

Maggie gave a quite sigh of relief, her uncle must had fallen  asleep on the couch watching a t.v show. Continuing her decent to the kitchen, her aunt started to come down the the steps. Maggie swiftly hid in a bedroom on a landing by the stairs

"What the hell Lewis, why are you sittin' on your butt doing nothing. You want dinner right? Then help me get it!" Marie shouted.

Lewis yawned, "Geeez Marie, I've been waiting down here for the little brat to come downstairs."

Great. They know that I'm going to come downstairs. Maggie thought, might as well take a sheet and lie down on the floor behind the bed.
Maggie took the top sheet from under the duvet so she wouldn't be seen. 

A couple of hours passed, and it was almost midnight, Maggie was half asleep when she heard a noise that went something like this. Buzz buzz,Thump. Buzz buzz, Thump. Buzz buzz,Thump.  Immediately, Maggie went from half asleep to fully awake and aware of her surroundings. Buzz buzz, Thump, the sound was getting closer to the room she was hiding in. Once it reached her room, Maggie prepared for the worst, but nothing happened. In the corner of her mind, a little voice was screaming, Run! now you have the chance no one is there now go! But Maggie didn't move.
Paralyzed in fear, Maggie didn't want to make any sudden movements would give away where she is hiding. A whisper from behind told her to go now, she hoped that whatever told her wouldn't get her killed. Maggie assumed that it was a ghost or something along those lines. Silently thanking whatever the disembodied voice was, she quietly got up, put the sheet back on the bed, and crept down to the kitchen, like she did many hours ago.

Stepping down the stairs, always double checking if anyone is there. This voice is still with her helping her get out of the house. "Thank you." Maggie said, very grateful on what this voice did for her.
The voice whispers back to her, "good luck, sweetie"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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