His hoodie.

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"Bucky please !"
"I said no , now give it back."

Looking down at the silver fabric you clutched to your chest you sighed handing it to the man before you. He smiled slipping the hoodie over his head. He ruffled your hair placing a soft kiss to your lips before walking off to the gym to train with Steve.

"Love you too."

You muttered though he had already rounded the corner. Stalking off to the living room an evil smile tugged at your lip. You entered the main area waving at Thor who was happily watching My Little Pony .

"Good morning fair lady (Y/N)!"

He thundered patting the seat next to him. You walked over gladly sitting cross legged next the the god. Who glanced at you eyebrows knitting together. He paused the TV which you were boredly  watching. He turned to face you a look of concern painted on his face.

"What is troubling you lady (Y/N)?"

He asked kindly his hand grasping your as gently as he could. You too shifted to face him playing with his hand which you stared at. Thor was always like the older brother to you. As weird as it was.


"Sir James?"


You mumbled. Thor had been calling him James since they met. Which to you was odd but sitting next to a god watching My Little Pony was pretty weird too so...

"He didnt hurt you did he?"
He grumbled his grasp on you tightening greatly to the point were the color in your fingers was draining.

"One , youre breaking my hand."

He made a sort of squeaking noise before releasing your hand. You held it to your chest flexing the fingers . Nothings broken thank fully .

"Two, No he didnt hurt me. I wanted to wear his Winter Soldier hoodie for the day but he took it from me."

You grumbled crossing you arms over your chest. He began to think a smile crossing his face.
"Thor if he finds out I lied he's going to strangle me with his metal arm. Then beat you to death with it..."

You mumbled causing the god to flinch at the mere though of such a thing. You tool in a deep breath closing your (e/c) eyes a moment before shoving open  the gym door Thor following after you. Both Steve and Bucky stopped ruthlessly beating punching bags to smile at you both.

"Hey ,(Y/N) Hey , Stormie."

Steve greeted you both with a smile his blonde hair flopping into his face. You nodded walking to Bucky who smiled at you as he whipped his brow with the hoodies sleeve. Thor and Steve began to exchange conversation. So far the plan was going alright.

"Hey Buck."

You muttered kissing his cheek softly. He wrapped his arms around your waist placing gentle kisses on your neck. You blushed playing with the hoodie strings.

"Lemme wash this for you . Will yah? Im washing everyone elses."

You murmured  his butterfly kisses stopping for a moment. He looked up holding you at arms length.

"Why? Cant this wait?"

"not unless you want yours washed with Thors cape. Itll turn your hoodie red."

Mumbling he yanked it off handing it to you. Your hand grazed across his bare chest shivers running through him. Smiling you skipped out of the room dragging Thor (most literally) behind you.

Yes you washed the hoodie as it was soaked in Bucky's sweat. Ew. You had thanked Thor for his help in poptart boxes. Seven of them.


Bucky walked into the dark room content with the shower he just took. He and Steve had trained all day. It just happened. He smiled at your sleeping form that was sprawled out on the bed. Yet upon further inspection he frowned. You had on his hoodie.

Not in the mood to wake you he crawled into bed next to you pulling you towards him.

No matter how much he loved that hoodie.

You looked damn good in it.

Sucks but I needed to post some stuff for Buckarooney.

Bucky Barnes x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now