Strange magic is woven..

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Dear Reader,

We must first start this story with the end; if anything it will save you from turning to the back page...

The Heavenly Hosts rejoicingly pirouette about the head of the infant.

The Unicorn's blood – precious droplets fall in the tears of Man, permeating even the McDonalds chain within the tiled, sterile walls of sweetened "hospital food" "to go".

The hideous arthritic dwarves conspire with uranium and rare earths, cunningly carving a future, literally. The fay folk and the Muses still whisper to inspire now the Greenies and their Pan god, battling ever daily the green-slime demons of the electric ether, who have radiated their presence into every household, stranglehold....... Nothing has really changed from the past dreams ('fantasy' it is now called), nothing save men's perceptions of the true inhabitants of this world.

Strange magic is woven- the greatest test than ever before, it is an effort to arouse an erection of understanding "et spirito". But the sleepers do not dictate to the gods the reality which they dream amongst.

Wash the cynicism away; cleanse the knife-sharp soul-suicide. Fortunately the King of Men is very much with us, and when all is done He shall still be with us. We have surely just begun.

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