Chapter 5

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Beautiful Goodbyes

Jessica Choi

The next day, Minho was going to Japan to promote their Japanese album. He would be coming in and out of the country for about a month or so. I guess this was the perfect time to escape. I cooked Minho breakfast before he would leave. “Yeobo~” He said between his chews. “Yes?”

“Wait for me, araso?”

I couldn’t help but think of what happened a few days ago, but smiled anyways. “Of course.” He drank the remains of his tea and answered a phone call. “Hello? Oh, hyung…Okay, I’ll be right down.” I frowned. I thought he would stay longer. He got up from his seat and pulled me up. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret when I’m gone, okay?” I nodded. “I got it Minho.”

“Okay, don’t forget to lock the door at all times. Especially when you’re showering..Oh, do you have the pepper spray and knife I gave you-“ I gave him a peck on the lips and rubbed his back. “Stop worrying Minho. I’ll be fine. Take care in Japan, would you?” He smiled and grabbed his bag and headed for the door while I followed him out.

“Ya, Jessica Choi!” Minho called out. “What now?!” I said, clearly agitated. He pulled me closer for a hug and whispered in my ear.

“I love you”


There was nothing to do after he left. I thought about buying groceries, but I really wouldn’t be cooking much without him around. I practically cleaned the whole house spotless..Doing the laundry, but then again I did that last week. What else could I do to keep myself company? Shopping? Babysitting? Dog-sitting? Or Should I be a lonely cat lady? I’m actually thinking about going with that last option…

I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing.

I picked it up to see the caller ID. “Key?” “Ya, Jessica, Minho says to look under his pillow.” I went inside the bedroom to look under his pillow. A train ticket? “What’s this?” I said through the phone. “He says to keep yourself company and enjoy the beautiful things in life, besides me and him.” I giggled at his remark. “Can I talk to him for a second?” “Sure, Ya, Choi Minho say something.”

“Yeobo?” Minho asked

“Thanks, Jagi~ Be safe and call me!”

“Haha, I will. I gotta go now, our plane’s calling us. I’ll call you as soon as I land, okay?”

“Okay.” I pressed the end button and found something else under the pillow. An address? Was this his grandmother or something? I put it down and started to examine the train ticket now.

One Ticket to Gwan-ju at 12 midnight.

It was tonight? Maybe I should go.


Seoul Train Station at 11:45 pm

I rushed through the crowd of people. Why were there so much people here? I thought I was pretty stupid for not bringing a thick jacket with me. It was like 54 degrees outside! Since it was cold, I headed inside a nearby café. The delightful smell of freshly grinded coffee beans and vanilla filled the air. I got in line and ordered a hot chocolate. Even though I loved the smell of coffee, I didn’t like the taste. And there was the child still in me. When I got my order, I sat down on a table and peacefully drank my drink.

Checking my watch, I spit out my hot chocolate and rushed to the train station. It was 11:57. Aish, Jessica, you are really slow today! I hauled my bags and myself up the stairs, passed by security, gave my ticket, ID, etc., and saw people boarding the train. When the doors were about to close, a tall man extended his arm to open the door again. I smiled at him and bowed in thanks.

Searching for a seat, I made my way through the people who were giving me a dirty look. What, they’ve never seen someone besides a Korean in a train before? Try going to America, you’ll see different flavors of ice cream there. Okay, that was way off. This train is so packed, I swear. By the time I got to the 5th compartment, it was compact but had some butt space. About 3 people were here. Not bad. Why did people have to cram themselves in the first 4 compartments? I took a seat next to some guy who was dozing off to a Ludacris song. It’s amazing how he’s wearing all black and a mask. Anyone could’ve assumed he was a ninja, an emo person, or a robber. I pulled out a book Minho had let me borrow. I think it was Wuthering Heights or something. I put my bag under my seat and started to read in the dim light.


Bang Minsoo

I woke up at 4 in the morning and had the sudden urge to pee. Niel was right, I should stop drinking so much water in the night. I shuffled my Ipod to a new song. Ah, that’s better. I stood up to go to the bathroom but tripped on a book. I rubbed my eyes and bent to pick it up. Macbeth? That’s some great literature there. I barely noticed the book belonged to the girl sitting next to me. I saw her hugging herself and that she was shivering. I felt sorry. I was sweating in my jacket right now. Doing the right thing, I set the book down, took off my jacket and placed it on her. I smiled to myself and felt this warmth in my heart. It’s been awhile since I’ve felt that…Shrugging it off, I headed towards the little boy’s room. Okay, that just sounded really gay.

A/N: Herro, gais! I’m sorry for not updating on this story, because I have 2 other ongoing ones. Check it out! I hope you liked this chapter. I know I skipped parts /facepalm. Do you like C.A.P’s great entrance? Loool.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 27, 2011 ⏰

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